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  1. J

    How to fall in love with Buenos Aires?

    To add my two cents, I too moved here for my Argentinian girlfriend and it is a culture shock I can empathise with
  2. J

    Denied Digital Nomad Visa - My Experience

    Is this still up to date? Want to have enough pesos on hand just in case before I fly
  3. J

    How to fall in love with Buenos Aires?

    One thing I’m always confused about (and correct me if I’m wrong) is that the only time anybody seems to be in a rush in Argentina is when they’re driving. I both love and hate the notion of timekeeping here, it’s weirdly refreshing but also annoying at times. Being in a car here though does...
  4. J

    How to fall in love with Buenos Aires?

    I wish I was a wine drinker, it’s the ideal place to be one. Fortunately the beer scene in Argentina is slowly improving
  5. J

    Feliz Cinco De Mayo Y Dia De Independencia!

    Where are your bags packed for? Argentina seems to me to be a country of so much potential with the right policies (I don’t profess to know what they are or should be). This is a beautiful country rich in culture with so much potential
  6. J

    Feliz Cinco De Mayo Y Dia De Independencia!

    The pandemic has irrevocably changed the world in many ways though I wouldn’t agree with them all being negative. Were it not for the pandemic catalysing the working from home revolution, I’d have never even contemplated being able to escape the 12 hour a day commute + work rat race in London to...
  7. J

    A Flybondi Boeing 737 struggled to land at Aeroparque

    Glad I saw this after landing at AEP on Flybondi this morning rather than before. The incident rate of a go around from google seems to be around 1 in 300-1000. I’ve never experienced one but I’m sure it would be pretty scary. In any case, commercial flights are the safest means of travel even...
  8. J

    Crossing Iguazu border into Brazil

    To report back, I think I got super lucky. It took just 10 minutes for me to cross the border in a taxi, no queue or anything - literally only one car in front of ours. On the way back was a little busier but no more than 30 minutes. Taxi cost 14000 pesos and took me back extremely promptly...
  9. J

    De-Dollarization Affecting Expats and Nomads

    One thing I can’t agree with in the first few minutes is that the war in Ukraine was a provoking of the bear by NATO, and I say that having spent a reasonable amount of time in both Russia and Belarus
  10. J

    Is it possible to find a truly remote US job from Buenos Aires?

    Best thing in that case is to be employed as a contractor as opposed to a permanent employee
  11. J

    Is it possible to find a truly remote US job from Buenos Aires?

    Not currently, and sadly my EU citizenship was lost with Brexit but in theory it‘s possible for me to if I asked to change my country of work since the company I works for has a similar presence in the EU. In any case, between Argentina, the UK and the rest of Europe, it’s easy to avoid hitting...
  12. J

    Is it possible to find a truly remote US job from Buenos Aires?

    I’d agree with trying to open up your search to European companies. With the better benefits alone it’s so worthwhile and most newer tech companies are remote first as they aren’t tied to expensive years long office leases. Speaking for myself when I started looking for companies that would let...
  13. J

    Getting dollars in Buenos Aires

    Are all branches closed until then?
  14. J

    Buying a RED camera here

    interested to know what that camera shop in San Telmo is called, I’m keen to get a reasonable camera to take pictures in Iguazu in the absence of my phone. Anybody have any recommendations for somewhere to get a reasonable camera for a reasonable price? Wouldn’t mind paying up to $250 max
  15. J

    Getting dollars in Buenos Aires

    Reckon if I rolled up to a Santander with my passport and Santander cards, I could withdraw USD? Can’t recall my PINs for those either, nor can I check them without the app, and I can’t access the app until I once again have my UK SIM
  16. J

    Getting dollars in Buenos Aires

    I recall that Cuevas prefer crisp hundred dollar bills so I presume it’s best to change pesos as close as possible to a multiple of 100 dollars?
  17. J

    Foreign credit cards purchases at MEP rate

    Definitely agree it’s a fantastic idea but it astonishes me that the prior situation occurred for so long
  18. J

    Dengue in the City of BA

    Using a large fan has worked flawlessly the last few nights, thanks for the tip
  19. J

    Digital Nomad policies

    I’ll be staying at Iguazu Jungle Lodge which is in the actual town
  20. J

    Getting dollars in Buenos Aires

    So, for the sake of argument, if I rolled up to Florida with 250,000 pesos to trade, I’d get around 535 dollars (Less fees etc), but call it a square 500?