Recent content by allegra

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    Barracas next?

    Touche, Porteña....I have expat friends who live in a large PH in Barracas. They moved there in 2006 after selling an apt in Recoleta which they owned for 2 years. The house is on a very nice block near the church and plaza. The neighbors are very friendly. Public transportation is adequate...
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    Argentine own goal

    I concur with the comments made by bigbadwolf.
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    Argentine own goal

    As much as I would be delighted to view the future of my country as Pericles does, I cannot. Although I don't think any gov't here will go as far as to expropriate property owned by foreigners. At least not those of single property owners. In terms of purchasing homes for residence in dollars...
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    Expropriation of airlines

    I don't know if it will affect fares. I would be more concerned about safety issues. If given the choice between being a passenger on Argentine Airlines and taking a bus, I prefer the bus.
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    Big Heist in Argentina

    JG - The riots in BA happened on December 20, 2001. On that day de la Rua renounced a president. It was a frightening scene for many locals so I can imagine how it was perceived by foreigners. This is what happens when an angry mob resorts to violence and the peacekeeping forces are visibly...
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    Big Heist in Argentina

    The history of Argentina's cyclical financial debacles cannot be ignored. Who can truly believe that fault is solely with "others"...evil empires, the IMF, etc. As long as there is institutionalized corruption, we will be plagued by these cycles of feast or famine. I read this thread and agree...
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    Reciprocal visa fees

    "This information is accurate, the decree havent been signed yet but it will be ready on Friday it seems. The trips to Colonia will become USD 130 more expensive now for those coming from countires requesting tourist visas to argentines. They are tightening things up. Cheers." At the new visa...
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    Reciprocal visa fees

    6 Oct 2008....Pagina 12/front page Página/12 "Cobrarán tasas de ingreso al país a pasajeros que provienen de Estados que exigen ese mismo trámite a viajeros argentinos, como Estados Unidos, Canadá y Australia..... Migraciones cobrará a cada persona de cualquiera de esas nacionalidades que...