Recent content by annatempleton

  1. A Scam

    Please view our testimonials from just some of our many satisfied customers or view some of our au pairs' diaries here
  2. A Scam

    Hi Fifs2 Firstly as far as I am aware no placement was promised on arrival. It can take 2 weeks - 2 months to find the right family placement. According to my staff, Nandini was offered several families which she turned down as she didn't feel they were right, which added to the delay in her...
  3. A

    British Au Pair girl to work on an ESTANCIA!

    It is quite standard for Au Pair Agencies to cover a fee; it goes towards administration, care while the au pairs are abroad, events and orientation. We have been working for 2 years successfully in Argentina with currently 30 happy au pairs placed with satisfied families, which I don’t think...
  4. A Scam

    It is quite standard for Au Pair Agencies to cover a fee; it goes towards administration, care while the au pairs are abroad, events and orientation. We have been working for 2 years successfully in Argentina with currently 30 happy au pairs placed with satisfied families, which I don’t think...