Recent content by Aztangogirl

  1. Aztangogirl

    Life in Provinces Recommendations

    The most beautiful small town I have seen is Pigüé. In Saavedra Partido in the south west of Buenos Aires province. If I ever wanted to live outside of CABA, that's where I would go.
  2. Aztangogirl

    Price of meat will skyrocket

    Concha is slang for a woman's vagina.
  3. Aztangogirl

    Hello and a cash question

    Make sure the 100 dollar bills are large face with the blue strip. In perfect condition. Even a broken corner will get a bill rejected or have less value. No small bills in dollars.
  4. Aztangogirl

    Coffee Price Up 300% Higher Than London Or Ny..!!

    Coffee Town . Mercado Bolivar. San Telmo.
  5. Aztangogirl

    McCormick crushed Red Pepper Flakes

    The aji molido here is not hot. Whether its old or made from non hot chilies, it is definitely not spicy. I buy fresh chilies and make my own hot sauce.
  6. Aztangogirl

    Are rents about to skyrocket?

    I am definitely here to stay. There is nothing for me in the States. Fortunately, I bought my apartment 6 years ago.
  7. Aztangogirl

    Biden dropping out of 2024 race and will endorse Harris this week

    And which criminal acts has he done exactly?
  8. Aztangogirl

    Trump injured after being shot while speaking at a campaign rally

    If a god exists, he would not allow this creature to run for President.
  9. Aztangogirl

    Trump injured after being shot while speaking at a campaign rally

    He was shot by a registered Republican.
  10. Aztangogirl

    Western Union money transfer

    I pay my consorcio bill every month with cash at the ATM. The ATM will not accept the new 2000 peso note. I have little hope for it accepting the 10,000 peso note anytime soon.
  11. Aztangogirl

    Milei attacks Bolivia and Brazil's leaders

    He is proving every single day what a huge mistake the people made electing him. A change, yes. For the worse.
  12. Aztangogirl

    Any expats with experience owning or operating a Cafe?

    Talk to the man who owns Sheikob's Bagels. Uriarte 1386. He is a New Yorker who has a very successful business. And great bagels. The real thing.
  13. Aztangogirl

    Tonight 2024 Presidential debate between President Biden and former President Donald Trump.

    So what? Deaf ,dumb or blind, I will vote for Biden. He is not a convicted felon and a wanna be dictator