But....I did one Grabr purchase a week ago but....the Uber round trip here in B.A. was about $40 dollars. Muy estupido en mi parte. On the other hand....yestserday my new laptop was delevered to my by my purchaser here in B.A. ....so check delever locations. (I waited weeks and weeks for...
Another dumb idea. Keep you accounts in the U.S. Keep your business in the U.S. You will understand later.
And have a phone with a Tello account so you can get bank confirmation messages. VERY IMPORTANT...
I personally would be surprised if you found a four bedroom anything for $1500. Your food bill will be at least $1000 unless your family eats grass. If you don't earn at least $3000 a month...again at least....better make it $4000. Dinner for the parents in a restaurant is $40 minimum.....and...
Could have exaggerated the problem....the hospitals have staff that speak English...to help...and yes the best hospitals have doctors who do not speak English