Recent content by ckcurls

  1. C

    New to BsAs

    Hello all- my husband and I arrived in BsAs on Monday night and will be here until the beginning of June. I'm here for a short work assignment and my husband is along for the ride! We are staying in an Apart-Hotel (Loi Suites Arenales) and are disappointed that there is no stove! Does anyone...
  2. C

    my experience getting brazil tourist visa in buenos aires

    This was very helpful information. Thank you for sharing
  3. C

    Know of any 2-month contract/freelance opportunities?

    My company is sending me to Buenos Aires (Capital Federal) for a 2-month assignment and my husband is taking unpaid leave from his job to come with me. If you know of any contract opportunities and/or freelance work that he could do between April 5 and June 2, please send me a PM. He is open to...
  4. C

    Need to find an allergist in BA for weekly allergy injections

    I will be living in Buenos Aires for 2 months starting in April for a short work assignment and need to find an allergist or clinic to give me my weekly allergy shots. Please help!
  5. C

    Health Insurance for 2 months in Argentina?

    Hello, my husband and I will be traveling to BA at the beginning of April for a 2-month assignment for my job. My company is covering my insurance needs, but we need to do something for my husband. I don't even know where to start!!! Help!