Recent content by Enzo

  1. E

    Coffee Supplier

    HI, I'm looking to open a bar cafe and am looking for a coffee supplier who also supplies the machine. Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. E

    Photographer In Bsas

    Hi Guys, I've recently joined the forum and really enjoy reading info about and experiences in this great city. I'm an Aussie Photographer now establishing myself here. I've previously worked in Italy, Germany and Australia. I have signed a contract with a large international agency here so hope...
  3. E

    Bsas - Uruguay (Buqueubus/seacat)

    Colonia Express has an office on Cordoba around 700. You can pay in cash and they are about half the price of the other two. I did a day trip to Colonia 2 weeks ago for 398ARS
  4. E

    Afl Grand Final

    Cheers for a great night Nelson!!
  5. E

    Hola - My Name Is Venetia

    Hi Venetia, I'm an Australian guy who has recently arrived here in BsAs. I'm a photographer and although have signed with an agency am yet to begin working here. If your free sometime it would be great to meet for a coffee and chat. Cheers, Enzo
  6. E

    Afl Grand Final

    I'd definitely be in. I'm a bomber so I can supply the gear. Cheers