Recent content by fcoulombe

  1. fcoulombe

    Looking For Expat Tax Specialist/accountant

    very good point serafina about hidden costs. I must lose ~10% just in passing money around. everyone takes a cut. Personally, I was hoping the new gov would help with this kind of stuff. but then again, i'm really not hoping for much... argentina's gonna take time to change (and might never...
  2. fcoulombe

    Looking For Expat Tax Specialist/accountant

    I've heard recently that it's possible to earn money in $ and keep it in $ at the bank. Finding someone who's done it to confirm is a bit harder. It's really a matter of going to the bank/afip and seeing what they say about it.
  3. fcoulombe

    Looking For Expat Tax Specialist/accountant

    this is probably not the answer that you re looking for but there s also the option of opening a company in a low tax/low bureaucracy place and then fracturing minimum wage to your monotributista here to avoid 35% taxation but that seems like a project in itself and then you have to see what...
  4. fcoulombe

    It's Too Expensive Here!

    Makes me wanna go check out Venezuela. Apparently Cape Town is a really cool city too
  5. fcoulombe

    It's Too Expensive Here!

    my mum sold her house in canada for 3x less during menem's time than what it's worth now. to me the real estate madness that we're seeing now is a global thing
  6. fcoulombe

    It's Too Expensive Here!

    if you're in tech (most people in SFO are), there's 3 main reasons: 1. to earn 180k/year (I thought about it and SFO might suck for some people but at the end of the day... saving 15% of 180k is a lot more than saving 15% of 60k) 2. to be in the startup scene. (talent acquisition, VCs and...
  7. fcoulombe

    It's Too Expensive Here!

    but maybe we should also talk about adults forced to pay 1500$ to live 20 people in the same house just to live nearby the San Fran action. not sure which argentine does this around here...
  8. fcoulombe

    It's Too Expensive Here!

    yeah i don't think you can grab san francisco as an example of what's going on in the world although it is an interesting pocket of society. i found some decent air bnb in SF for 2400$ (obviously it's not the same when you have a family). also, it's probably worth mentioning that a junior...
  9. fcoulombe

    It's Too Expensive Here!

    sure, I was just trying to demonstrate how the big mac index is flawed in argentina. (not debating on my order)
  10. fcoulombe

    It's Too Expensive Here!

    I dunno, I like to believe that forging data is probably one of the worst thing this country has ever done. (Although I'm slowly starting to realize that it's a global problem. They're just particularly talented at it here. )...
  11. fcoulombe

    It's Too Expensive Here!

    alright just come back from macas just to back up my claims (and because talking about it makes me hungry. now i feel sick...) in the US: Big Mac: $3.99 Big Mac - Meal: $5.99 in Argentina: Big Mac: 50$ (3.57$) Big Mac - Meal: 110$ (7.85$) Somehow, the chips and coke are more expensive...
  12. fcoulombe

    It's Too Expensive Here!

    my post needs to be approved by admin but i have a good answer to this bigmac index
  13. fcoulombe

    It's Too Expensive Here!

    for the big mac index, I went to macas recently and 7.86$US for a combo bigmac. I don't know about the price of the burger but it's not 100 pesos for a small chips and coke. Noesdeayer, I dunno, the...
  14. fcoulombe

    It's Too Expensive Here!

    I think it sort of is from what I saw. Might be a little off but not that much
  15. fcoulombe

    It's Too Expensive Here! Somehow we re still doing ok?