I've been going to this acupuncturist in Belgrano. It's not too far away from Villa Urquiza and I highly recommend her. She works with many chinese techniques.
She speaks some English...
Oh, I love going to these Maria Maranessi house sales... It's a service people can contract to sell all the items in a house, like an estate sale.
It seems like they are on vacaction, but you can check their website where they post the next sale going on over the weekend...
Its a beautiful neighborhood. I would definitely recommend it for a family. It's close to the parks on the riverside and has other plazas. Good private schools, you can find ok public ones too. It's a calm area. No major security issues... The public transportation will take you downtown easily...
Hi! I'm a potter in Martinez, Zona Norte of Buenos Aires... I've been thinking of offering pottery classes in English, if you're interested DM me and we can set something up.
Hope you find what you are looking for :)
If you go to dieteticas you can find more options without beef fat than what you can find in Kioskos... if not I would check out bakeries near you, they dont use beef fat in most cases.