Recent content by hidalgo

  1. hidalgo

    My Experience With A Local Ba Bank Today

    I just tried at Banco de La Nacion. They said I also needed to show a Pago Monotributo to open up a cuenta gratuita universal. That means you need a CUIL/CUIT too. Fun!
  2. hidalgo

    My Experience With A Local Ba Bank Today

    I've been trying to open a "cuenta gratuita univeral" with just my DNI at HSBC. It's been 5 weeks and tons of headaches, and I have nothing to show for it.
  3. hidalgo

    Coffee Chat Wednesday Dec 3Rd - Belgrano

    I'll join you guys. See you there.
  4. hidalgo

    Writing Group Anyone?

    Hi there, I'm interested. I used to write non-fiction political analysis back in the States but now I'm writing a novel down here in BA. I live in Belgrano R so the Belgrano location would work well for me. I'm flexible with specific days/times, but afternoon/early evenings on a weekday would be...