Recent content by icaroballa

  1. icaroballa

    Ajoknoblauch - What Is Your Problem??

    This thread should be interesting. Let me go grab some popcorn.
  2. icaroballa

    Do I Have To Kiss Everybody???

    This was never the way I planned, not my intention. I got so brave, drink in hand, lost my discretion It's not what I'm used to, just wanna try you on. I'm curious for you, caught my attention. I kissed a plumber and I liked it, His though skin and pipe wrench. I kissed a plumber just to try...
  3. icaroballa

    Do I Have To Kiss Everybody???

    Depends, do you want a raise? ;)
  4. icaroballa

    Do I Have To Kiss Everybody???

    Yes. Everybody. Everybody. Just kidding. Hey, it's better than where I come from, people usually kiss three freaking times on the cheeks. Gets old very fast. Even coming from another kissy culture I still won't kiss other men on the cheeks. Just won't happen.
  5. icaroballa

    Getting Usd Into Argentina

    Also DO NOT change it all at once. The peso is crazy at the moment, going up and down. So try to keep as much in dollar as you can so you can get more value for it later.
  6. icaroballa

    I Was Denied Entry At Ezeiza

    Interesting, to be honest I'm not 100% sure how the process works for non-Mercosur countries, as a Brazilian I can get the 90 days visa without even needing a passport, my Brazilian ID will do.
  7. icaroballa

    I Was Denied Entry At Ezeiza

    Indeed, more often then not the cheapeast way out ends up costing a lot more later on.
  8. icaroballa

    I Was Denied Entry At Ezeiza

    And you can't get in with a normal tourist visa? It surprises me a bit that people live here without making a DNI, it just gets rid of all this passport nonsense.
  9. icaroballa

    Medialunas In The Usa?

    Oh god what have you done! Pizza discussion starting in 3... 2... 1...
  10. icaroballa

    Looking For Two Specific Things In This City.

    I'm quite surprised about that honestly, I thought Nutella would be popular here since there are so many bakeries and sweet shops. Until I get my hands on some I found a dulce de leche + chocolate + honey paste that's been replacing it pretty well. Despite it pretty much being diabetes in a jar.
  11. icaroballa

    Need Photos For Residency Application

    Would be helpful if you told us where you are. usually you can find tons of places that do this around buildings that are related to it. Eg. Av.Jujuy 468 -> where lots of people do their DNI so there are a bunch of kioskos that do pics around it.
  12. icaroballa

    Are Argentines Promiscuous?

    Hmm, as a Brazilian I'd say Argentinians are a lot more conservative about sex than Brazilians, especially when it comes to casual, no relationship sex. I'd compare them to Americans really, i terms of promiscuiosity (i think I just invented a new word), at least in my experience.
  13. icaroballa

    Dungeons And Dragons Game I have no idea how to make the video part of the post.
  14. icaroballa

    Fellas From The Hood, Mates To Chill With, Girlfriends

    Yeah, the thing in between my legs kinda disqualifies me from the girlfriend thing but hey, I LOVE hunting for stuff in flea markets. I'm in Las Cañitas, which is sort of close to there I think.
  15. icaroballa

    Looking For Two Specific Things In This City.

    I feel judged now :( Can't a man eat Nutella in peace? :P Will check it out when I get the chance, I already tried the barrio chino when I went there and didn't have much luck.