Recent content by JaneD

  1. J

    Registering with MercadoLibre

    You certainly identified where I am at. I celebrated my 75th birthday yesterday. Thus, all of what you have explained is a new language to me. My provider is Verizon in which my monthly fee is $75.00 and the $100.0 monthly international plan was added last month in anticipation of my move to...
  2. J

    Registering with MercadoLibre

    OK, I forgot to explain, all she does is says to Alexa; call Mom and the call comes through. If she can do this with my BA service that would be wonderful. J
  3. J

    Registering with MercadoLibre

    Than you all. I will get a local number and phone, however I need to have my US phone with me at all times. My daughter can reach my phone by voice activation at any time in case of emergency. Can she call the BA phone company by voice activation via Alexa? J
  4. J

    Registering with MercadoLibre

    Thank you! Will do.
  5. J

    Registering with MercadoLibre

    I had not thought about it. Is it expensive? I need to have my US phone number at all times because I have a severely disabled adult daughter in the US who has no use of her hands. I pay an extra $100 a month for open phone service to and from the US. J
  6. J

    Registering with MercadoLibre

    Greetings, I moved to BA 3 weeks ago. How do I register for MercadoLibre account with a US phone number? I can't get drop the 54 code from the phone registration. Thank you, J