Recent content by marquitos

  1. M

    US Transit visa C1 interview? (Bs Aires)

    Hello again everyone. For those of you who are watching flights, I'm trying to get to Canada some time in August, I have the entry visa so that's sorted. The problem is flights. As an Argentine I cannot go via the United States unless I have a transit visa.....has anyone heard anything in this...
  2. M

    Vaccination without DNI?

    Great, is there an online registration? Can't seem to find it
  3. M

    Vaccination without DNI?

    Just curious to see if anyone has been able to get vaccinated yet as a non-documented foreigner. I just tried to register on the BA province site VACUNATEPBA and it requires a DNI "yes or yes"...(although I read in the article below that supposedly it will be possible to upload a different...
  4. M

    US Transit visa C1 interview? (Bs Aires)

    Yes I was looking and hadn't found that connection.... but now that you mention it, it's back up and running. Great option.... Thanks
  5. M

    US Transit visa C1 interview? (Bs Aires)

    Hi forum, I want to fly to Canada and it is looking like a stopover in USA might be necessary. I understand that Argentines need C1 transit visa even for a 2 hour stopover without leaving the airport.... I was just looking at the requirements and it says you need to do an interview but it...
  6. M

    Residency or precaria with expired tourist visa

    ah that's beautiful hahaha
  7. M

    Residency or precaria with expired tourist visa

    Great thank you so much. So they are no longer doing these pendejadas of visiting your domicile to see if you really cohabit etc?
  8. M

    Residency or precaria with expired tourist visa

    Thank you. A few quick questions. 1) Date of entry (status of tourist visa) - under normal circumstances, you needed to have the valid visa, apparently there is an exception now due to covid etc? I don't see anything about it here. Can someone provide a link to the applicable provision/order...
  9. M

    Residency or precaria with expired tourist visa

    Hello forum hope you're all doing well. Listen, I have been in Argentina since Feb2020 on the same tourist visa, how do I go about applying for residency? I got married so that's my "category" of application.
  10. M

    OverStaying in argentina due to COVID-19

    Sorry if this has been covered in other threads but: is it possible to apply for residency on an expired tourist visa? Without leaving and getting a fresh entry stamp
  11. M

    OverStaying in argentina due to COVID-19

    OK at the registro civil that's what they said. Birth certificate, photocopies of both parents' passports, and immigration status. Do I have any remedy?
  12. M

    OverStaying in argentina due to COVID-19

    I wrote to migraciones asking them and their response: Si tiene la Visa vencida, primero tiene que regularizar su condición migratoria. Tiene que ingresar a la pagina, y chequear los tipos de residencias Extramercosur que hay y optar por una. So my question is, is it...
  13. M

    OverStaying in argentina due to COVID-19

    Thanks to everyone who has shared info in this thread. My question is slightly tangential but certainly related to the thread: I am trying to get married and the registro civil told me I need a certificate of "estado de residencia" de Migraciones. Anybody ever hear about that? (I'm in a small...
  14. M

    Have Passport, Will Travel

    All the less reason for the government to physically block all exits to the country, North Korea style. Don't you think? Just responding to the rumour of CFK mass-annuling passports and denying permission to leave. Not exactly a probable scenario imho.
  15. M

    Have Passport, Will Travel

    My point exactly... try doing that next time without jumping through the hoops... I imagine the result will be pretty similar.