Recent content by mc kenna

  1. mc kenna

    Coffee and cake prices

    I don't know where you are from either but i will tell you this, if you think you have the same rights here as ,say, United States, you are very confused(not wrong) just confused about what this country is about, go ahead and raise your voice all you want , assuming justice will prevail. To give...
  2. mc kenna

    Coffee and cake prices

    I'm not defending price gouging and it is not fair and i think we can all agree on that, also we must agree as adults, that is very real. Life is never fair, just, healthy or safe and we must deal with that best we can. Maybe i come off as unsympathetic but if you think this is bad, i hope you...
  3. mc kenna

    Coffee and cake prices

    That is exactly what i , unsympatheticly, was trying to say, your reality changed and you improvise adapt and overcome, some of us been there before and know how to do it without much fuss. Correct me if i'm wrong, but , in my case, it always rubbed me the wrong way when expats come here...
  4. mc kenna

    Coffee and cake prices

    Most people wanna complain because now they have to pay real prices instead of what they used to pay in the golden era of the kirchners. I know for a fact that if you are going thru some hard times here , you would need to re think your lifestyle . Steveinbsas has a pretty good plan all laid...
  5. mc kenna

    I Just Found My Nuclear War Hideaway

    As true as that is, i'm not sure i wanna survive any apocalypse with people that today bitch about a 3.50 cup of coffee lol can you imagine that bunch having to actually survive? as in cut firewood to cook meat over a fire?🤣
  6. mc kenna

    Access control clerk

    One last bump, several positions still open
  7. mc kenna

    Access control clerk

    Company seeks access control clerk for its office in downtown Buenos Aires. Will train the right candidate. Needs to have attention to detail , be puntual, and have basic knowledge of computer systems This is a night shift possition as this operation runs 24/7 Expect 8 hours shifts , 5 days a...
  8. mc kenna

    How much of a problem is the language barrier in your daily life as an expat?

    When you feel confident about your Spanish, go ahead and listen to a soccer game on the radio lol that'll give you a clue how far you are from being really fluent For those who speak English as a second language it would be , listening to a cattle auction on the radio in ...... nebraska lol Or...
  9. mc kenna


    1 cup of regular flour(0000) 2 tea spoons of baking powder( royal) 2 table spoons of sugar 1 cup of milk 1 beaten egg 2 table spoons of oil same mix you can use to make waffles if you have a waffle maker I , by no means, am a good cook and even i couldn't screw this up you can use butter or any...
  10. mc kenna

    Peronist Hypocrisy in Argentina

    Just a little jewel from 1947, look up Pilaga massacre. That perhaps would help understanding this brilliant leader named Peron, seriously , who wouldn't wanna be peronist after learning about how this man kept law and order . I think i'll just stick with the fondos buitres , they seem to be a...
  11. mc kenna

    Government will monitor social media to predict future crimes

    I think he might be invoking the 4th amendment of the US constitution (for those who are Americans)you should expect no privacy when in public as far as being filmed or recorded but that does not give the gov the right to profile you if you are not a person of interest of a crime already...
  12. mc kenna

    Trump injured after being shot while speaking at a campaign rally

    Not condemning or showing the least amount of compassion for a person that just got shot in the head and missed by a couple of inches from being lethal, really shows the character and the quality of the human being that we are. This is flat out wrong no matter who the intended target was(in this...
  13. mc kenna

    Spain recalls its ambassador to Argentina over Milei insult

    Are we forgetting something somewhat important here? This whole debacle got started by the Spaniard saying Milei was using drugs, but before anyone assume i'm defending Milei i must say i am defending the right to defend yourself when attacked, of course it could have been handled differently...
  14. mc kenna

    Food prices are amongst the highest of the planet

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Not me, again, not me, but this friend of mine you don't know have done this while complaining about socialism , sorry i had to say it, it was too funny to pass up. And once again, not me lol🤣🤣🤣
  15. mc kenna

    Food prices are amongst the highest of the planet

    Then, as you said, unemployment, recession, etc, what follows is ''trueque''(barter)like back in the bad old days of no inflation and no growth of the 1 to 1 exchange , none of this is new to the average argie, they'll bitch and moan as always until they find their new ''curro'',being...