Recent content by mikebikeboy

  1. M

    yellow fever shots, where?

    Anyone know where to get a yellow fever shot? I'm probably gonna be visiting Bolivia soon and am trying to scrape together the things for my tourist visa. Plus, I don't wanna die when I'm there. :D
  2. M

    Cinco de May 2008

    Cool I'll head up there.Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!
  3. M

    Cinco de May 2008

    Hi I came to this site for the same thing, where to find a place that is celebrating Cinco de Mayo. Doesn't seem to be any Mexicans in Arg. But I know there's Mexican restaurants so that's the best bet.Have you found anyone yet to join you? I'll keep my eye on this thread to see if you wriite...
  4. M

    Good ATM?

    Ok, I'll try Citibank even though that sucks the Mastercard has also been hit now too...which is what I have.Another possible solution: write myself a check and cash it at the Bank of Argentina. But does anyone know the fee for this?What a wierd money situation in such a large world city!
  5. M

    Good ATM?

    Hi everyone. I just got here a couple days ago and am quickly discovering the weird problem with ATMs limiting my withdrawals to like 300 pesos...such a weird thing. Nowhere else have I seen a restriction like this. I mean, don't they want me to spend money while I'm here? Anyway I have heard...
  6. M

    Los Angeles to BA, english speaking noob

    thanks.also., someone told me that if I don't look like a porteno in barracas, i could be more easily targeted for a hold up or some kind of crime like that...but what does a porteno look like? hahaha...i'm scottish with light skin and tons of freckles, green eyes, light brown hair, about 5'11...
  7. M

    New to bA from NYC

    Hey guys / girls, I'll be there starting april 1st, and would love to start my stay by making some accquaintances.. my spanish will SUCK when i first get there so it'd be cool to meet some english speakers to crack some witty jokes with...
  8. M

    Los Angeles to BA, english speaking noob

    Hey everyone, name is Mike and I'm a 26 year old guy coming to BA on April 1st...I'll be learning Spanish after I get there but right now, don't know but a noun or two and a couple verbs. hahaha, so my first days are going to be a bit wacky. Are there any get-togethers coming up or does anyone...