Recent content by Nadina

  1. N

    Thinking about moving back to BA

    Things have really changed in BA since the 90s. There's hyper-inflation and robberies... But I guess it's happening the same in any country in America Latina. Anyway, with your qualifications, if you made the right contacts, you'd be able to be comfortably well off after some time. Welcome to BA...
  2. N

    Usted o vos?

    I think they would say "contigo" in Mexico or Spain, it doesn't exist in Argentina, though, because the "ti" part in "con-ti-go" is used in countries where "tú" is the 2nd person singular and not "vos". So in Argentina you would say "con vos", not "contigo". Just say "con vos", it's OK. If it's...