Recent content by Nahuel

  1. N

    Iguazu Falls Vaccinations Needed?

    The Arg gov advices and recomends it but is not mandatory. The only thing is that you have to check with your home country regulations because the might be the ones that make it mandatory. I've been there 27 times in the last 5 years and never got the vaccines.
  2. N

    Migration Office In Capital Federal (Ba) & Visa Issues

    The migration office is in Av Antártida Argentina 1355. It's in the retiro Area, towards the Buquebus station. If you are facing the red and black gas station there is a path to yor right with a bike way that takes you directly to the main building. You'll see 3 doors, a big gate with a lot of...
  3. N

    reciprocity fee - must pay online

    May i remind you that we don't pay 160 U$ for a USA visa, but for an interview that defines if you are going to get a visa, wich can be denied at said interview. For example, my wife's cousin couldn't go to her sister's wedding in Florida, because she works freelance here and her sister is the...
  4. N

    Do you vote?

    I got this email today: Hope it helps.
  5. N

    General Police Check Requirements/UK Police Checks

    I have no idea about the UK one, but you can make your appointment for the arg police record here: I always choose Piedras becuase there are less people than in the other places.
  6. N

    Too much bureaucracy, too many public workers!

    It just has 439 other img mirrors from all aorund the world, so yes, completely argentinean, i guess.
  7. N

    Richard Stallman, founder of the FSF, robbed in Argentina

    Hey, what about Mean Girls?
  8. N

    Move to Buenos Aires?

    And sorry for the post-spam, but Citygirl and elqueso, i completely understand what you are saying and you might be right, but from my perspective, you sound like this: I've tryed buying property in the US and LA and NY city was really expensive, even if you travel to, i don't know, The...
  9. N

    Move to Buenos Aires?

    Hey, don't worry, everything is cool. My prom was weird, to say the least, we were watching tv because nearly 2 millon people were setting plaza de mayo on fire, fighting the police and the president was fleeing by helicopter.
  10. N

    Move to Buenos Aires?

    You are still naming places that are known for beign expensive, Pilar and all the northrend part of Buenos Aires. And yes, Asuncion is still cheaper than Buenos Aires, but i wouldn't live there in a millon years, although i go there quite often for working reasons.
  11. N

    Move to Buenos Aires?

    It's the first time i hear about safe deposit boxes being opened and gold taken away that is not about a bank robery of some sort. (Check the "boqueteros robery in belgrano", quite an amazing movie-like story) There are a lot of comments here, so i'll try tu sum up... For the person that their...
  12. N

    Buying "shoe horns" in BsAs

    The are called "calzadores". You can get them at Pharmacies like Farmacity or any kind of place where you see they sell all random crap, like the chinesse stores (not the supermarkets, the little kosk like thing with assorted stuff)
  13. N

    Move to Buenos Aires?

    Yes, they also killed all the children and drank white doves blood. No, not at all, only in the bank accounts, that are different from safe deposits. If you had 30k U$D in the bank, now you had 30k pesos, BUT if you owed the bank 30k U$D, you still owe them that much. That's to say all your...
  14. N


    No. They didn't pass it.
  15. N

    From Boston to Argentina

    You will find that our languaje here is full of expresions from the psichology, for example no me psicopatees // es una histérica // me está histeriqueando // que perverso, etc. There is an awesome book i recomend that is called Freud in the Pampas: The Emergence and Development of a...