Recent content by nesika

  1. N

    Meetup with older expats

    My private messages don't work, so this is for Nika_R I'll be waiting for you and your friends in front of the restaurant : I have short black hair, long dress, big white purse. See you there! (vidimo se)
  2. N

    Diversity! Go Argentina!

    You are welcome :-) I am not even kidding! Spring is the best. If I am not there, I will have my friends show you around. However, before you decide please check these: Times: "While the people are some of the friendliest in the world, the one complaint I heard is that they are still...
  3. N

    Meetup with older expats

    Great!!! See you then!
  4. N

    Happy New Year to all our members!

    WOW that is truly impressive!!! May I know what language is that? Thanks
  5. N

    Diversity! Go Argentina!

    No worries French jurist ;) Just asked a question and wanted to invite you... in a case you are interested in visiting Serbia :)
  6. N

    Meetup with older expats

    Hello, Now I see that this has been dragging forever .... Meanwhile a few of us "over 40's and 50's :rolleyes: have already met a few times. Here is the proposal: This coming Tuesday 7pm Pertutti , Santa Fe 2020 between Ayacucho and Junin We would love to see you all :-) Please confirm...
  7. N

    Happy New Year to all our members!

    Happy New Year! or Srecna Nova Godina :-) How about if everybody writes in his/her own language! That would be fun ;)
  8. N

    Diversity! Go Argentina!

    Hola French jurist Que tal :) Have you ever been in Serbia?
  9. N

    Meetup with older expats

    Sounds good :-) as a "veteran" you may propose some nice place :)
  10. N

    Laughing Boomers, Gray-Headed Nomads

    We'll be there Saturday at 7
  11. N

    Laughing Boomers, Gray-Headed Nomads

    OK then! Mahara (what a beautiful name) let's make it a Saturday night and just leave the address of the restaurant of your choice. We are in San Telmo. BTW It feels great to be 50+ - this is the best time of my life ;) All the worries and struggles of the youth are behind me :):) ah well...
  12. N

    Few Questions

    Hola Mahara, It's nice to have you back. I hope that you had a wonderful trip. I think it would be a great to start a new topic for gray-head nomads who would like to meet (something like Roxana did for young girls). That way more people will have a chance to see it. In any case count us in :-)
  13. N

    City Events

    Thank you all! Is today a Tango Day or it's usual to have stages with tango dancers throughout downtown?
  14. N

    City Events

    Hola, I see that this city never sleeps (like Big Apple ;-) but I couldn't find a really good website which lists all the events. Can somebody help? Thanks
  15. N

    Few Questions

    fifs2 you are soooo right :-) It was worth the trip (it took us 45 min. from San Telmo, where we live) and i don't think that we'll travel there on daily bases, but we enjoyed very much croissant, pain de queso, baguette and apple pie ;-) Hache: "What's your idea of a good bakery? Please be...