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  • nikad
    nikad reacted to ArgentinaVet's post in the thread Citizenship requirements with Like Like.
    You just need to show "an honest way of making a living"; there is no specific monetary requirement or AFIP compliance standard.
  • nikad
    nikad reacted to arvest's post in the thread Citizenship requirements with Like Like.
    I will add, you don't need a local Argentine income (whether a regular job, or a monotributo). If you work online overseas, you can...
  • nikad
    nikad replied to the thread Citizenship requirements.
    It is even simpler: he can have a US job, and have a second job, self employed here as an English tutor, or consultant, or psychic...
  • nikad
    nikad replied to the thread Citizenship requirements.
    You are going to need to have, scan and send to [email protected] - DNI or passport - Domicile certificate issued by city...
  • nikad
    nikad replied to the thread Citizenship requirements.
    Also, it is very easy to file yourself, do not waste money.
  • nikad
    nikad replied to the thread Citizenship requirements.
    DH works abroad, we just filed for him to get citizenship. When they ask for source of living we plan to enroll him on monotributo for...
  • nikad
    nikad replied to the thread Coffee and cake prices.
    This is true, many friends of mine bought property back then in their early 20s with mortgage loans.
  • nikad
    nikad reacted to sergio's post in the thread Coffee and cake prices with Like Like.
    Property was far far cheaper then (I'd say about 1/3 of now). The ratio between salaries and buying price was much more favorable then.
  • nikad
    nikad replied to the thread Coffee and cake prices.
    yes, you need to go and remain there until the process ends.
  • nikad
    nikad replied to the thread Coffee and cake prices.
    This in an option we contemplate. I actually checked wait times for appointments at the Italian consulates in the US because here they...
  • nikad
    nikad reacted to Lanick's post in the thread Coffee and cake prices with Like Like.
    Europe is fabulous. Free medical and free education including college. If you are in need, you can get child benefit from the...
  • nikad
    nikad reacted to steveinbsas's post in the thread Coffee and cake prices with Like Like.
    I don't have to dig very deep into the past to remember what I can now regard as "ridículos low prices." Fourteen months ago, my daily...
  • nikad
    nikad reacted to Lanick's post in the thread Coffee and cake prices with Like Like.
    You will be in a for a shock here. It’s not cheap. Not expensive either. Way overpriced and the quality is far worse. Overpriced for...
  • nikad
    nikad replied to the thread Coffee and cake prices.
    I hope that is not the case, I have several friends in the US that actually decided that having children was too expensive :(
  • nikad
    nikad replied to the thread Coffee and cake prices.
    As far as I can remember that was because utilities were still subsidized and imports were plentiful to that brought the price of items...