Recent content by onehappyguy

  1. O

    Friday Night Drinks - March 11th

    My wife and I are in town doing recon for possible move in few months... would love to meetup to get some tips from expats who have already made the move. What time and how would we recognize the group?
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    Relocation with 2 kids, 10 & 13 - thoughts?

    Thanks to everyone for the tips. Heard about Lincoln but prices where way, way too much. Another friend recommended Ward but its pretty far away. We leave in the morning so will be there on Weds to figure it out and start looking at schools. We are going to look at a few schools.... I put...
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    Relocation with 2 kids, 10 & 13 - thoughts?

    Thanks @ 2guysinpm... was just doing that ;) @ random... I'm aware school is starting now... we are in california, moving in June, so kids will probably start late for most BA schools... we are looking at living in Belgrano.
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    Relocation with 2 kids, 10 & 13 - thoughts?

    Hello Everyone, My wife and I have travelled alot with our kids but we are ready for a change of pace and doing an extended stay with our kids, probably 6-8 months. We are thinking of the Belgrano area... any feedback regarding BA lifestyle with kids and getting them into a school? Also any...