perry's latest activity

  • perry
    perry reacted to FrankPintor's post in the thread Coffee and cake prices with Like Like.
    We were fancy when we could afford it. Spending $100k regularly per bottle isn't really justifiable. No beer for me, but I get 3l...
  • perry
    perry reacted to Lanick's post in the thread Coffee and cake prices with Like Like.
    Europe is fabulous. Free medical and free education including college. If you are in need, you can get child benefit from the...
  • perry
    perry reacted to Lanick's post in the thread Coffee and cake prices with Like Like.
    Here you can raise your voice about inflation and prices also. It is a democracy here and you were telling to keep quiet and adjust...
  • perry
    perry reacted to chris's post in the thread Coffee and cake prices with Like Like.
    The exchange rate certainly doesn't reflect any sort of libertarian, free market capitalist policy.
  • perry
    perry reacted to Redpossum's post in the thread Coffee and cake prices with Like Like.
    Yes, I went through a couple years of this shit after the crash of 2007/2008, and I know how to do it, but I hate it with a passion. I...
  • perry
    perry reacted to Neil's post in the thread Making sense of "expenses" in RE listings with Like Like.
    Yes,ordinary expenses are passed on to the renter.
  • perry
    perry reacted to Redpossum's post in the thread Coffee and cake prices with Like Like.
    Yes, this is very true. I haven't eaten out at a restaurant for 2 years or more. The upside to recent difficulties is that I'm losing...
  • perry
    perry reacted to Redpossum's post in the thread Coffee and cake prices with Like Like.
    It's a messed up situation, bro. It really is. I'm close to reaching the point of absolute despair, but all I know how to do is just...
  • perry
    perry replied to the thread Notario fees.
    There is no rhyme of reason with prices anymore and it seems that many people are just throwing out anything and hoping that it may...
  • perry
    perry replied to the thread Coffee and cake prices.
    Those who support the current government say that there is little inflation now but can they expain how come prices went up three times...
  • perry
    perry reacted to Lanick's post in the thread Notario fees with Like Like.
    My solicitor works with a notario and he arranges everything. I have paid 20 euros
  • perry
    perry replied to the thread Notario fees.
    Power of attorneys are normally less than US $ 75 in Europe . Its the most simple of documents How much does it cost for a power of...
  • perry
    perry reacted to Lanick's post in the thread Notario fees with Like Like.
    That’s what I thought. A very upscale Recoleta notario (interior designed and all that stuff) quoted me $400!! Outrageous! Thought...
  • perry
    perry replied to the thread Notario fees.
    When I say US$ 100 it is from a personal escribano friend of mine Fabio Mossechian on Parana and Cordoba . If you want his phone...
  • perry
    perry replied to the thread Notario fees.
    Prices of escribanos have gone up 150 percent in us dollars since 2023 . A simple document that would have cost 20 dollars now costs...