Recent content by Redpossum

  1. Redpossum

    Tomato industry staggers under an avalanche of cheaper imports The usual Google Translate deal, banner is in Castellano and story will initially appear in that tongue, but wait a few seconds and it will change to English...
  2. Redpossum

    Argentina makes international news for...cops beating up old people.

    Setting aside the major uncertainty over what did or did not happen in Tiananmen Square 36 years ago,and just accepting for the sake of argument what you've said, are you telling us that because a repressive government in another country did major bad things, it's OK for the government of...
  3. Redpossum

    Transportation electrification is coming, but will it spark a broader shift?

    Frank, your optimism is commendable, but this is all speculation at the current moment. It might, and then again, it might not. Nuclear power also has the problem of, how do you safely dispose of the spent fuel rods? Allow me to remind everyone that the major reason why Fukushima became such...
  4. Redpossum

    Transportation electrification is coming, but will it spark a broader shift?

    I'm not sure this is a good idea. Electric vehicles are not the great panacea they are presented to be, because - 1. Refining lithium generates large amounts of extremely nasty toxic waste. 2. The worn out batteries themselves must be disposed of at the end of their service life, and they also...
  5. Redpossum

    Argentina makes international news for...cops beating up old people. Not really a good look, but hey
  6. Redpossum

    Coffee and cake prices

    For the last 15 months or so, I haven't been drinking at all. I did some reading about fatty liver syndrome, and decided to give the liver a little rest. Now I can't afford it, (thanks, Milei!). Before that I would occasionally treat myself to a bottle of Jose Cuervo Gold. Not saying your...
  7. Redpossum

    Coffee and cake prices

    Yowzer! Talk about price gouging! That $55 price was quoted to me by a Colombian friend, (also a user here on BAExpats), who is now living in Canada. He and his family recently returned from a vacation in Colombia, and he said he bought a bottle for that price. La Hechicera is the only ron...
  8. Redpossum

    Life after Skype

    Except that MS Teams Free does not allow you to make or receive calls. We talked about all this already in another thread. Starting with post #18 by user brandon, toward the bottom of the second page.
  9. Redpossum

    Coffee and cake prices

    I have had Colombian "ron añejo", specifically a brand called La Hechicera, and it was amazingly good, as a sipping experience easily comparable to the best single malt scotch I've ever had. Sure as hell nothing like cough syrup! Of course, it's like 55 USD a bottle but hey, the good stuff is...
  10. Redpossum

    Daughters retrieve dad’s photos on Argentine peak

    That's an impressive story.
  11. Redpossum

    Coffee and cake prices

    Sorry to hear about your mom. Mine passed away very suddenly at the age of 41, so I do have some idea how that feels. Adjust, certainly, as I have already detailed. But I utterly fail to see any reason why I should "keep quiet". Nobody is talking about starting any revolution.
  12. Redpossum

    Coffee and cake prices

    Yes, I went through a couple years of this shit after the crash of 2007/2008, and I know how to do it, but I hate it with a passion. I miss coffee so much. Honestly, having endured it before just increases my loathing for the experience. Being able to sit down after breakfast with a cup of...
  13. Redpossum

    Coffee and cake prices

    Yes, this is very true. I haven't eaten out at a restaurant for 2 years or more. The upside to recent difficulties is that I'm losing weight; I've punched two new holes in my belt so far, and with the way I keep having to hitch up my pants, I need to make a third one. It's not that I'm going...
  14. Redpossum

    Coffee and cake prices

    Well, McKenna, that's a particularly unsympathetic little discourse there.
  15. Redpossum

    How's everyone hanging in there with the cost of living these days?

    It's shameless price-gouging