Recent content by Ronnie Hotdogs

  1. R

    Aerolineas Argentinas hot sale 40% discounts to Europe

    Big difference between business and anything else still. But there is no way I’d pay full business fare prices. Rather suffer in the back and upgrade occasionally.
  2. R

    Irish Guy in BA - Anyone play golf?

    I think AAG fee is the same whichever club you are at. Someone I know had his at la orquídea and paid the same, As far as I know it has to be done via a club can’t be done direct with e AAG
  3. R

    Irish Guy in BA - Anyone play golf?

    Hi Smurf You will get your matricula straight away just start with a 54 handicap
  4. R

    Irish Guy in BA - Anyone play golf?

    Hi Smurf, To play most places here you need a Matricula which is Argentine Association of Golf membership and they take care of the WHS. To get your Matricula it's handled by each local club but you can walk into the Pro Shop at the Course in Palermo and speak to Marcelo pay him 285,000 pesos...
  5. R

    How to get your Driver's License in CABA. (Step-by-step guide)

    To be honest it would have been fairly straightforward had I not went down the kafka-esque bureaucratic nightmare of trying to have my UK licence accepted to avoid being principiante.
  6. R

    How to get your Driver's License in CABA. (Step-by-step guide)

    You don't have to go back and get a new one it's not physically a different licence they just put a date on the back from when you stop being Principiante. Sorry I used the wrong word :) International or other driving licenses aren't recognized once you have a DNI or once you have permanent...
  7. R

    Coffee and cake prices

    Car parking is the biggest racket going. Routinely have to pay $20000+ pesos to park the "camioneta" infront of the Hospital Aleman. They must be absolutely raking it in.
  8. R

    Building expensas

    I pay 300,000 a month for expenses in a barrio privado. Includes the ARBA. Neighbours are up in arms about it. Honestly I worry a bit about the viability of such barrios privados. Lot of people have houses here as weekend homes and 3.6m a year in expenses is a lot of you’re paying similar...
  9. R

    How to get your Driver's License in CABA. (Step-by-step guide)

    If it sounds too stressful to get your license try driving around CABA 😀
  10. R

    Moving to Argentina

    We're doing a very good job of putting her off the move. To be honest I've been expatriated to a few different countries including Argentina and it's one thing doing it when you're single, it's another thing entirely once you have kids. I had a bit of a reverse of this when we all moved to...
  11. R

    Moving to Argentina

    I'd say very roughly you can follow the "acomodado" metric at the offical rate which says you needed 5.2m pesos a month back in November. There's been roughly 4% inflation a month since then which puts the value at $6,000,000 pesos = $6000USD a month...
  12. R

    Moving to Argentina

    I have wife and 2 kids, 1 goes to private school other is a baby. Live in a house in Northern suburbs that I bought so don't pay rent. Approx summary of my monthly fixed costs in pesos. School - 600,000 Expensas (sort of like homeowner fees) - 300,000 pesos. Electricity bill - 150,000 pesos Car...
  13. R

    How to get your Driver's License in CABA. (Step-by-step guide)

    If you get Provisatoria license you’re not supposed to go on any autopistas for 6 months. You’re also supposed to drive with sticker saying you have Provisatoria License for those 6 months. That’s about it. I just drove like normal and didn’t my get stopped anywhere.
  14. R

    A coffee for $3.50: Argentina is the most expensive country in Latin America

    I would say that the whole system has been developed precisely to benefit the ultra-wealthy land-owning elite. They'd rather have the peones earning a pittance than a developed economy.
  15. R

    A coffee for $3.50: Argentina is the most expensive country in Latin America

    Yes it's expensive at the moment. It's also been dirt cheap in the past, one thing about Argentina is it's never stable! I'm here because my family 3/4 of which are Argentine born, are happy here and I can afford to live here with a decent standard of living. Until such time as that changes...