Recent content by SBinBA

  1. S

    American Expat looking for friends!

    Hi! I'd love to do something. I'm 22 female and live in Colegiales. We could try for a happy hour in Las Canitas? At Antares perhaps or anywhere else with a cool vibe.
  2. S

    Sunday Fundays? Rodriguez Pena 1150 And maybe we could call ahead to make sure they're showing the preseason game on Sunday?
  3. S

    Sunday Fundays?

    My dad's family is from Pittsburgh, but I grew up outside of Baltimore, so I have always been hassled by Ravens fans.
  4. S

    I need new expat and Argentine friends!

    I can't figure out how to do that! I don't see a link to PM anywhere...could it be I don't have the ability to do that since I just made an account today?
  5. S

    Sunday Fundays?

    Sounds delightful! Go Steelers! Casa Bar I think is a good space for that.
  6. S

    I need new expat and Argentine friends!

    I've been feeling the same way, too! I'm also 20's, live in Colegiales (a short ride from Palermo). I can't go tonight, but would love to next week. Maybe we could meet up and go together? That way neither of us are alone.