Recent content by SinPulgas

  1. S

    Disappointed with Food in Argentina

    Well, Steve, nothing there surprising. We live in different worlds.
  2. S

    Disappointed with Food in Argentina

    Yes, you can, but you do sometimes have to work at it. If you find a good carniceria or granja, you should be good for meat, eggs and chicken. Vegetables are trickier, in my experience. Even good verdulerias many times don't have good stuff. I walk a lot and I always bring my mochila, and...
  3. S

    Western Union money transfer

    You can do it all online. They've changed their user interface a few times since I signed up so I don't know what it looks like when you're trying to get started, but I know someone who was able to sign up online a few weeks ago.
  4. S

    Western Union money transfer

  5. S

    Western Union money transfer

    MoneyGram also delivers to your Arg bank in a couple hours, or to Mercado Pago in 15 or 20 minutes, and usually the rate is better than the others after factoring in fees. Transfers to Arg bank have US$2 flat fee; transfers to Mercado Pago have zero fee and better rate than transfer to bank.
  6. S

    Western Union money transfer

    Como on, banker. Think of all those extra bottles of Nampe you can buy.
  7. S

    Western Union money transfer

    WU is paying up to 1114, without leaving the house. And anyone with the foresight to have a reserve of hard currency USD can get 1160 strolling down calle Florida (as I did an hour ago). Or going to Reby.
  8. S

    Western Union money transfer

    You got a terrible price.
  9. S

    Big Transport Strike Today

    I was just out for a two hour walk and I saw a hundred working taxis.
  10. S

    Big Transport Strike Today

    You should have planned ahead. You know better.
  11. S

    Is Argentina Still a Good Deal?

    You got a discount compared to home, but it looks like you lived the tourist life to the fullest. I'd call that a good deal.
  12. S

    Is Argentina Still a Good Deal?

    70% of workers are living on 550,000 pesos or less, or much less, per month. Are you suggesting that they're all monks? (I know lots of them, and I promise you, they're not monks.)
  13. S

    Learning Argentinian Spanish (app)

    You're obviously on a low carb diet.
  14. S

    Learning Argentinian Spanish (app)

    Mistakes are the most valuable part of immersion learning. And it really doesn't work (well, it surely didn't for me), until you accept that mistakes are 50% of the whole process; making them, learning from them, and accepting that you will always make them (unless you're one of those rare...
  15. S

    Is Argentina Still a Good Deal?

    There is no normal here. But I think you can live reasonably well on US$1500/month. It's hard to really know without knowing your lifestyle. While it's much more expensive than it was in December, it's still a lot cheaper than in my home state. I think if you come here with a plan to live...