Recent content by sundae

  1. S

    robbery with a knife

    Sorry about what happened. Unfortunately it's common enough. People say Argies are hysterical or that the media scares people with their reports, but the fact is Buenos Aires is not a safe city especially after dark or in certain neighborhoods. I'd say most people living here for a while know...
  2. S

    Why do you live in BsAs and not the provinces?

    We live right outside the capital - I'd say it's the worst of both worlds. We have a nice house with a great yard, but nothing around us to enjoy outside of our little bubble. We don't have the safety and tranquility of the country nor the convenience/night life of the city. Just about...
  3. S

    Coming Soon To A Dinner Table Near You! ALL the food you crave from home!

    Yeah I wouldn't get my hopes up. I see this more as a 'what do you miss' general kind of thread.
  4. S

    Coming Soon To A Dinner Table Near You! ALL the food you crave from home!

    Easy there. :) You're right, I know I can make my own, but sometimes convenience wins out. Anything brought over from the US is most likely going to be processed. There's not a lot I miss - I can find the same or similar products here for most things - sometimes better. That said, I did...
  5. S

    Coming Soon To A Dinner Table Near You! ALL the food you crave from home!

    I've seen some of the stuff you guys are looking for... brown sugar I know exists. I bought a bag of baby carrots at Jumbo. My boyfriend buys rice cakes from time to time. Tide detergent is called Ace here (but I'm not sure if it's exactly the same - they might have pulled a Pepitos/Chips...
  6. S

    Jury Duty Summons?

    I had my parents respond to mine stating that I could not serve because I was out of the country. It didn't get me out of jury duty, but it did kick the can down the road. (In FL there's a checklist and writing room for reasons why you can't serve - you fill it out and mail it back.)
  7. S

    How many of you want to leave Bs As?

    Argentina definitely isn't my favorite place to live, but like others, I'm here because of a significant other and family.
  8. S

    Standstill due to the elections?

    Argentina is a bit different than most countries... 'redeveloping' is probably a more accurate description given its history. I would say it's 2nd world. You can definitely live and feel like you're in a first world country here, but you can't ignore the filth, the villas, the kids begging for...
  9. S

    Psoriasis in Argentina

    I have a family member here that has psiriosis on his hands. It's not too bad, he just uses a special cream he bought which seems to help a lot with the itching. It comes and goes and seems to get worse with stress. It's a lot better now, but it used to be so bad his hands would crack and...
  10. S

    Ribs...It's what for dinner!

    Nice! Looks delicious! Do you happen to know what the cut is called here? The ribs I've seen are cut through the bones in strips instead of a rack like in the US.
  11. S

    Using vos and sos in place of tu upon returning to the US

    I don't think it makes a difference - anyone who knows Spanish will understand you. I still use vosotros and tu since that's how I've spoken since I was little. I don't care if my Spanish accent is noticeable.
  12. S

    El que no salta es un ingles (new blog!)

    Loved it! Very funny. :)
  13. S

    Hello, needing advice

    You can overstay as many times as you wish? I heard that the 3rd time you could have problems coming back.
  14. S

    OFF Needed for Litterbugs

    Buenos Aires!! ... ironic name for this city. :) Maleducados is the right word. Everyone knows you shouldn't throw wrappers on the ground or throw soda cups out your window, they just don't care. I don't think a campaign is going to change that... heavy fines might, but then there'd be...
  15. S

    Outgoing Mail from Argentina

    I have lost all faith in Argentina's post service. The last package I sent to Argentina from the US went missing for 2 months and was returned to me with the excuse that 'address doesn't exist' even though it does indeed exist and I had sent letters before. At least I got it back. I sent a...