Recent content by Voiceofreason

  1. V

    Would You?

    Julieta, what did you end up doing? I'm intrigued
  2. V

    New Zealander looking for work .

    How did this end? Did she move or not? General rule in love...marry your neighbor, he gets you.
  3. V

    New Zealander looking for work .

    I see this every day now...
  4. V

    Default on its way.....?

    The liberal economists are saying the default will happen in either 2019 or 2020 as there are big debt payments due then. The IMF funds should cover 2019, but it depends on the elections as commented above and the will to continue with a zero budget deficit policy post November. If the recession...
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    you get a week every 5 years at the same company. If you change employer you go back to two weeks unless you can negotiate. This is a lot by the way as this is mandatory for all workers in any role. So it is a significant cost for employers in the retail sector for example... Just think of any...
  6. V

    Argentina is expensive. Really don't know how middle class here get by

    They surveyed 3,462 workers and suddenly 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Nonsense. More like 2700 workers and then extrapolate to all workes and pray the sample size is representative. Read the survey and you’ll see a different picture. It says that less than 10% of people earning...
  7. V

    Argentina is expensive. Really don't know how middle class here get by

    Actually what you quoted is misleading. It is a survey of workers so it really says little about the US as a whole. Also, the 32% with a 401k is a lot. Remember it is not mandatory and only few companies offer it. We had something similar here before CFK, but it was stolen by congress. Also keep...
  8. V

    Argentina is expensive. Really don't know how middle class here get by

    Haven’t read everything, but i think what you are getting at is that people don’t save here. Imagine you lived pay check to pay check in the US with only your 401k to fall back on. You would be poor instantly at retirement. That’s what happens here. Also, people have subsidized living as a...
  9. V

    Is President Kirchner Improving The Lives Of Argentinos?

    Good find. You are correct the ANSES defunding began before with the help of the current Vice President who presided the entity. Their new cash cow is as you the BCRA, and the numbers are huge. It's evidence of their diminishing sources of cash to keep the party going. Interestingly that same...
  10. V

    Is President Kirchner Improving The Lives Of Argentinos?

    If Argentina were to devalue, the dollar denominated debt would be a greater burden because of the increased cost to acquire the dollars to pay for it. One of the costs being inflation. Of course in an ideal world you can borrow more to pay off current debt, but Argentina is placing new debt at...
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    Is President Kirchner Improving The Lives Of Argentinos?

    The government is in a very fragile situation. They are trying to stay in power by pumping money into the system through all their different hand out schemes and subsidies, yet they are running out of money to do it. That is why in the past two years they have been printing money at a rate of...
  12. V

    Would You?

    Wow, i'm liking the controversy. I guess we can get used to life in BA and all its problems and thus we don't notice them after a while. If you move here after 15 years in the US you will feel things as i have described in my last post. Of course that if you live in a good neighborhood...
  13. V

    Would You?

    Hey Julieta, So Argentina has changed a lot since you left. I doubt you'll find it as appealing as before. Society is divided, the economy is slowly but surely stagnating and crime and the black market are soaring. I would only come back if i could assure myself a dollar denominated income. The...
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    Is President Kirchner Improving The Lives Of Argentinos?

    What many fail to grasp is that our ability to export depends on imports due to the lack of developed industrial and high tech sectors. Most if not all agricultural machinery is imported. So by making imports more expensive and by denying their entry you are making exports more expensive and...
  15. V

    Is President Kirchner Improving The Lives Of Argentinos?

    This is all very good, but totally off topic. The question is if CFK is improving the life of the Argentine people and the answer is an overwhelming NO. CFK has not been president since 2003 she has been for the past two years and in that time Argentines and Argentina has been in a downward...