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  1. E

    Any recent success stories obtaining temporary residence?

    This is absolutely amazing, no wonder looks like so few people bother with getting legal residence.
  2. E

    Any recent success stories obtaining temporary residence?

    Thanks for the $2k datapoint, that's helpful. Did you apply yourself recently? As to goal, yeah primarily I just want to live there 8-10 months a year. Secondarily would value the option of picking up an Argentina passport later on, which is why I'm asking about establishing residence...
  3. E

    Any recent success stories obtaining temporary residence?

    Hi Julia, Thanks so much for the point re family for rentistas. I had read that online too but assumed it was outdated/inapplicable in practice given what the lawyer said. So it’s really helpful to hear that others have recently obtained rentista permits and brought their families along with...
  4. E

    Any recent success stories obtaining temporary residence?

    Hi everyone, Wondering if there's anyone here who has had success over the past year or so in obtaining their initial temporary residence, preferably either as rentista or worker (for a self-created entity)? And specifically, whether you found it necessary to wire in the 18-24 months of 5x...