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  1. LuckyLuke

    The dreaded 90 day closure letter

    Yes I will file a full return for 2023, I won't qualify for FEIE until Tax year 2024.
  2. LuckyLuke

    The dreaded 90 day closure letter

    Is this an "international" account? Is the restriction because they know you reside in Argentina? Did they ask for your DNI to report anything to AFIP?
  3. LuckyLuke

    The dreaded 90 day closure letter

    Fidelity website says they'll grandfather existing account holders who moved but they aren't accepting any new accounts for those residing abroad.
  4. LuckyLuke

    The dreaded 90 day closure letter

    Good news, after some digging...I reached out to Schwab International and they allow expats residing in Argentina to transfer any IRA. I simply have to select Argentina as the country of residence on the online application.
  5. LuckyLuke

    The dreaded 90 day closure letter

    It would help to know who those providers are...they aren't published anywhere that I know of. It's a good point about the VPN. It's hard to tell what is being shared too. Claiming foreign income exclusions on a tax return is sure to be a red flag too.
  6. LuckyLuke

    The dreaded 90 day closure letter

    This is the most frustrating part...based on what I saw, there's actually no law saying they are required to do this. It's their own internal compliance departments that are closing them to avoid the risk of violating any possible tax treaties. My only options at this point are to liquidate the...
  7. LuckyLuke

    The dreaded 90 day closure letter

    Howdy folks, I recently received an email from Merrill Lynch advising me that I had 90 days to show my proof of US residency or they will close my IRA account. Some googling shows this is apparently a common occurrence of major US banks since 2021 when they began closing accounts with foreign...
  8. LuckyLuke

    How an Argentine Can Get a Bank Account in the USA

    I think it depends on the bank criteria for identification. Los Angeles for example is a sanctuary city that provides undocumented the ability to get a state ID/Drivers License. With the state ID, ITIN and a local address you should be able to open a bank account at a major bank that shares...
  9. LuckyLuke

    To be or not to be... a Monotributario

    Thank you Quilombo for educating all of us. I think it goes without saying that every expat here has to understand their appetite for risk as they navigate the insanity of residing in a country without a taxation treaty and artificially pegged exchange rates. That being said your comment...
  10. LuckyLuke

    To be or not to be... a Monotributario

    Thank you Quilombo, for clarifying that. I asked our accountant above having to wire funds in and was told that it wasn't enforced. Our Factura E is based on our total Western Union costs for the month. Beyond that we were told AFIP is not concerned about the exchange rate we ultimately "sold"...
  11. LuckyLuke

    Moving to BA from Boston... need contacts!

    I second this...the real estate market here is highly illiquid. Personally, with treasury rates yielding 5%+ in the US, I don't see why anyone with 6 figures in cash to drop would purchase an apartment down here for only a few months out of the year. It's not a great ROI in my opinion unless you...
  12. LuckyLuke

    To be or not to be... a Monotributario

    Howdy Shpongle, It's my understanding that the highest level for private sector Monotributistas rendering services is Category H. Above that you would have to register as a separate classification of business activity which would carry additional taxes. This is touched on here...
  13. LuckyLuke

    Former president Alberto Fernandez accused of domestic violence... and corruption

    Fein...we're all mature adults here...I enjoy a lively debate as much as anyone else, but please dial down the internet trash talking. You can disagree or correct someone without constant ad hominem attacks. Nobody wants to see this forum devolve into 4Chan. We're all here to collaborate and...
  14. LuckyLuke

    Milei Got Rid of Rent Control in Argentina

    This article makes some premature assumptions. Previously it wasn't worth a landlord's time to list a unit as maintenance costs (adjusted daily) rapidly exceeded any profit from the tenant's rent (adjusted annually). Now that the adjustment frequency can be as low as 4 months, the landlords are...
  15. LuckyLuke

    What's the reality of safety in Buenos Aires?

    Can confirm. In Neuquen, my house was broken into while away for the summer. Our house alarm scared them off, but it cost us a few hundred to repair the door. We've since installed exterior cameras to help deter them. Last week a neighbor was cleaned out, they had no alarm installed. Even prior...
  16. LuckyLuke

    The AFIP no longer requires rental contracts to be registered

    Did you request your bank transfer your rent to your landlord for the same amount every month? Did your landlord request his bank deposit these funds every month? Are both of those banks now reporting this activity to AFIP? Then no need for redundant reporting.
  17. LuckyLuke

    The AFIP no longer requires rental contracts to be registered

    Kind of makes sense when you consider that the bank is already reporting both the tenant and landlord's account activity to AFIP. The only way around that would be to operate in foreign currency and surprise, surprise, that must still be reported to AFIP regardless.
  18. LuckyLuke

    How much more are you paying for your health (prepaga) insurance?

    This is an excellent point for those who are younger, and have some emergency fund cushion. Americans have so much trauma with regard to medical costs in the US that it's inconceivable not being insured for risk of utter financial ruin. However, I've found the out of pocket costs here to be much...
  19. LuckyLuke

    How much more are you paying for your health (prepaga) insurance?

    It will stop after nurses, doctors, and medical suppliers stop trying to keep up their salaries with monthly inflation, which is to say...never.
  20. LuckyLuke

    USA cell phone number to use in Argentina

    Has anyone had any luck with a voip that works well down here off the Wifi? I occasionally need my personal line while traveling. I've had Dialpad, which costs about $35 a month, and it is awful on Wifi or off. Constantly crashes and garbles calls. I use Ringcentral for business and it works...