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  1. J

    Property tax to increase by an average of 66%

    Fred, the government has already announced there will be no or small inflation raises this year. Hard to see locals being able to afford big rent increases. Permatourists? I agree an exodus is likely. A BA with near hyperinflation is quickly losing appeal for anyone not having a reason to be...
  2. J

    Looking for Real estate agent BA

    For a month you're looking at the temporary, tourist market. There are literally hundreds of agents, there's craig's list, VRBO and Home Away. If you're not looking for Dec. or January, there's lots of choice. Google will get you to tons of agents.
  3. J

    Property tax to increase by an average of 66%

    I'm not so sure landlords are going to have an easy time passing their costs on to renters. AR is at the beginning of an economic slowdown. The government is not going to hand out inflation paced wages this year and private industry will follow. Real estate, especially higher end and tourist...
  4. J

    What has changed?

    The mood has changed. Before the election there was the feeling of boom time with everything in the country getting better. The government had to keep up the pretense until they got reelected. Now it's clear that the government has to stop it's unsustainable policies and out of control spending...
  5. J

    And now some good news

    Great! I think your landlord is smart. These times are uncertain if nothing else. No time to be greedy. Does this mean you got your house sold? If yes, is the sale in US dollars?
  6. J

    beach resort w/ safe beach good for 11 and 9 year old boys Brazil or Uruguay

    Angel, Floripa is convenient from BA. And yes, Buzios is a pain, can't even imagine that ride with 3 small kids! But I just love it. Save it for a time it's just you and your husband! Hopefully the Real keeps getting devalued and Brazil becomes reasonable again.
  7. J

    beach resort w/ safe beach good for 11 and 9 year old boys Brazil or Uruguay

    Buzios has some lovely, small hotels. Casas Brancas is one I love. Not cheap, but Brazil is expensive in general. The Brazilans consider BA cheap. IMO, Floripa doesn't compare to the other Brazilian beach resort towns except for it's fabled nightlife.
  8. J

    beach resort w/ safe beach good for 11 and 9 year old boys Brazil or Uruguay

    I think Buzios was a good suggestion. Lots of nice beaches. Stay anywhere and go to a different beach each day. I'd also look at some of the resorts in Pria do Forte. If budget permits, Tivoli Ecoresort has a ton of kids activities and lots of babysitters. We were there one Christmas and the...
  9. J

    Mendoza Recommendations

    We really enjoyed our time at Pousada Olivar. The owner, Jose, is a wonderful host and does the best asado we've ever had. We didn't have any other memorable meals there, but some of the wineries have restaurants with ambiance. Of the winery tours, we liked Uco Valley best. There are several...
  10. J

    Budget food-places

    My favorite cheap parilla is El 22 Parilla on Voltaire and Carranza in Palermo Hollywood. Zero ambiance and indifferent service but outstanding beef. 70 pesos gets you a platter with a large lomo, good size bife de chorizo and half of an Ojo de bife (feeds 2-3) . IMO, the meat is as good as La...
  11. J

    Moving to Argentina within 3-4 months!

    $60K couldn't touch the jockey club lifestyle. It's my opinion that living on little money in BA, which most expats end up doing because they can't get decent jobs, isn't worth it. If I were making the decision as a prospective expat, I'd go to places where you can live more comfortably on...
  12. J

    Import / receive packages from abroad

    Try one of the mule businesses. It's highly unlikely you'll get electronics in without major duty.
  13. J

    Moving to Argentina within 3-4 months!

    I guess I'd just ask why BA? It's as expensive as the US in most ways and good jobs are rare for expats. It's a wonderful city in many ways, and I'd highly recommend it if you have a good job and can afford an upper middle class BA lifestyle-- let's say spending minimum US $60K/ yr. If not, I'd...
  14. J

    Is this the right time to buy a property in Argentina?

    Thanks Lucus, I am enjoying the ride and all the great things BA has to offer. I must however admit, I do like the more sane retreats to the US and the more predictable LAM countries to balance the experience.
  15. J

    Is this the right time to buy a property in Argentina?

    Thanks Steve. I read a lot of economists. I understand what's happening in the US fairly well. It's AR, with all the moving pieces, I have a hard time getting my hands around. With the new rules coming down daily, I feel like my life in AR is much more of a bumpy economic ride.
  16. J

    Is this the right time to buy a property in Argentina?

    I think those of you in AR full time have a skewed perspective of the world. Certainly there are problems, with Europe's just coming to a head. But things are slowing down in AR and across LAM. Most scary here is the weakening of commodity prices. With CFK's runaway spending, AR is about to face...
  17. J

    Is this the right time to buy a property in Argentina?

    I wasn't responding to your deal, just to whether this is overall a good time to buy. I think for most of us, whether we plan to live in a place long term or not, we'd like to buy at a good time. I just heard about the end of subsidies to higher end homes. The 30% hike to 25% of Argentine homes...
  18. J

    Is this the right time to buy a property in Argentina?

    Steve, every indicator points towards a decline in AR real estate prices. Those predicting the drop 3 years ago were premature certainly, but they stayed out of the market to not get caught in the mess they knew would eventually come. And it has. We all have our own investment strategies...
  19. J

    Is this the right time to buy a property in Argentina?

    Sorry Steve, I'd have to disagree that this is a good time to buy. It will take some time until the reality of the current situation is fully reflected in prices. Owners don't get realistic over night. Add to that the slowdown in LAM economies and weakened commodity prices and you understand...
  20. J

    Ladrones at LAN--help!

    In my opinion, you most probably won't have any problem using the ticket if you don't check any luggage. You check in online and no one asks for a DNI. My understanding is in the rare event you get caught, you just say you didn't know and pay the difference. Like the example above, I think they...