We've finally found a home for "Milaneso".... Me lol
I'm really glad to hear this kind of offers, but luckily we don't need money so the team of the vet has borne the cost so we only need a beautiful family for him. :)
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02NjopVymYuSqLs8PwpR25JtAxb9qzuNPEX1CerR6ebYVeMaBYkT6v7ntLAsE4uLeEl&id=1615740304 💚💚💚 he's already walking with his two legs, even me i can't believe that so soon he's started to walk
Actually the right leg was the first one with which he began to move and now started to move the left one. The progressive is slower but I think it's going to take more time but he'll be able to get it
for those who asked me about this puppy, this was yesterday 😁🤗❤️
Hello, I'm the vet florecita. He's extremely sociable, actually he's with a lot og dogs an cat here en the veterinary. Regarding The prognosis, as every neurological injury it's guarded prognosis, but beside that he's so active