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  1. P

    Finding Work In Ba

    You're moving here to get married and planing to live in a hostel? Can't you shack up with your fiancée?
  2. P

    Hispanohablante Vs. Hispanoparlante

    Triple post!
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    Hispanohablante Vs. Hispanoparlante

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    Hispanohablante Vs. Hispanoparlante

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    Hispanohablante Vs. Hispanoparlante

  6. P

    Starting My Vegetable Garden With As Little Work As Possible

    I have a massive load of compost cooking, more than I'll need it should be excellent quality mulch in a month. If you want some, send me a pm and come with a trash bag.
  7. P

    Aysa Water Bill

    Yep subsidies for AySA are almost completely gone.
  8. P

    Movistar Charges

    I think the trick is to ditch the prepaid SIM card which seems to be the same with all the companies. I just checked my account (Personal). I never have had any of these subscriptions everyone complains about. I use my phone non stop and the only time there any real variations in my facturss...
  9. P

    What Works Worse Fibercorp/fibertel/clarin Or Speedy?

    Did you start this thread just to rant about Grupo Clarin? Everything you've said about Fibertel is true for the other companies as well. I have had over 1 year of experience with each Speedy, Arnet, and Telecentro and 7 months with Fibertel. Fibertel was the best of the bunch but they are all...
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    Fed Up With The Usa; They Chose Chile

    As much as I like the quote camberiu pulled out of that... the rest is just standard issue wingnut bullshit.
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    Looking For A Female Frenchie

    I was definitely expecting something more like this when I opened the thread
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    Argentina Revokes Bank Of New York's Authorization

    x This was as well thought out as every other move in this fiasco.
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    How Safe Is Ba?

    I like the kill switch idea. It would have to physically destroy the device in order to be effective. Even a salvaged display would buy a lot of paco
  15. P

    How Safe Is Ba?

    Not saying that things aren't stolen here but matias is right (it seems so wrong to write that). Every morning on the subway it seems like almost every person is using their smartphones. Not just black berries, I'd say 1/4 are galaxies or iPhones. I've used an iPhone here for 5 years and while...
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    Venezuela: Mandatory Fingerprinting At Grocery Stores

    I can't believe that Ajoknoblauch's potter drivel is no longer the most retarded crap in this thread...
  17. P

    Venezuela: Mandatory Fingerprinting At Grocery Stores

    Yes and thank god. Do you know what percentage was even worse off in pre capitalist societies?