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  1. nlaruccia

    Converting your Home driving license to Argentine driving license

    You can't convert a forefinger driver's license into an Argentine one. Unless you have one from Spain thus making you eligible for a canje de licencia de conducir, you have to apply for an Argentine driver's license.
  2. nlaruccia

    What Do You Wish You Had Brought Or Left Behind?

    They are? I thought they were made in Brazil.
  3. nlaruccia

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    Why is everyone using the 2nd Amendmant of the Constitution as if it were the Bible? Some older laws need to be updated with the times because they're no longer relevant, or we'd still be stoning people to death.
  4. nlaruccia

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    Yet many of the people that have carried out mass shootings didn't have a criminal record.
  5. nlaruccia

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    I would choose neither. I'd prefer the government take charge of making sure that people don't walk into restaurants carrying guns since gun vendors can't distinguish between a mentally healthy person or a nut job.
  6. nlaruccia

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    After giving some thought to the recent arguments about how limited gun rights don't prevent violence and how everyone should have the right to carry a gun in order to prevent gun violence. My roommate said that's like saying we should infect everyone with HIV so we don't have to worry about it...
  7. nlaruccia

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    There are a lot of useless fathers who don't parent their own children. The mothers can't take all the blame.
  8. nlaruccia

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    I just want to make sure that I'm not misinterpreting your comment. You're not saying thatlack of values is due to single mothers, are you? Are they to blame for the rise in gun violence? I hope that's not what you're implying .
  9. nlaruccia

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    Why don't you show those statistics and studies to the parents of the dead kindergarteners? Who cares about useless studies and statistics. Can you come up with a solution?
  10. nlaruccia

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    Those of you who believe it's your God given right to carry a fire arm should come up with a plausible solution to the current rise in gun violence. You can't grasp onto the second amendment as if it were your last right in the world and ignore the current situation. Is that amendant worth the...
  11. nlaruccia

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    Somehow I still believe despite all the arguments in this thread that anyone who gets a power rush from shooting a gun needs to get their head checked. So what if the founding fathers believe in someone's right to carry a weapon? It's 2016 and the circumstances have changed. Although, I'm in awe...
  12. nlaruccia

    Recommendations For A Traumatologist.

    Thank you all for your recommendations. I'm going to call them personally and find out how much they charge out of pocket and set up an appointment for my friend.
  13. nlaruccia

    Recommendations For A Traumatologist.

    I was wondering if anyone can recommend a good traumotologo that speaks some English for a friend traveling to Buenos Aires. It doesn't matter which insurance because she'll be paying out of pocket. Thanks. PM if you can.
  14. nlaruccia

    Why Pay Rent?

    I pay because I don't want my guarantor to be forced to pay.
  15. nlaruccia

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    Carrying a gun won't stop violence either. The most recent shootings weren't carried out by criminals, but people who legally obtained guns.
  16. nlaruccia

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    People's indidivudal rights to keep a gun in their house is more important than preventing insane people who legally obtain guns from shooting a crowd? Give up your guns. Prevent violence.
  17. nlaruccia

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    Since when have our rights not to get shot become less important than to own a gun?
  18. nlaruccia

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    I'm not saying owing a gun makes you more violent. But why perpetuate the problem? So there have been a few shootings in Europe. In the US they are the norm. Obviously there isn't strict gun control in Argentina because like everything else there, the system doesn't work.
  19. nlaruccia

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    If there was gun control then there would be no need to keep a gun in your house. The US frequently has mass shootings because there's no gun control. Look at Europe and Asia. Gun control and no random acts of gun violence. Anyone who still believes in gun control after a massive shooting and...