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  1. S

    Personal Data Protection In Argentina

    Hi, I have a web site where people can register and login. Recently we received a contact from someone requesting details of someone else's account details. We replied saying that we don't give out personal data. The person requesting the data then replied saying please give them the data...
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    Good Quality Coffee In Buenos Aires

    There's a place on Lavalle entre Esmerelda y Maipu called Caravelle which (if its still there) does really good coffee its not really a proper cafeteria y just sells coffee, aperitifs and facturas and you sit up at the bar while the guys in bow ties serve you, its quite cool, a bit old school...
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    Irs And $ Transfers / Deposits Beware!

    Or if it was an argentine police officer transcending the language divide with an english speaker: "You got plenty plenty money en your coche auto?"
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    Irs And $ Transfers / Deposits Beware!

    Whatever you do don't send that video to Cristina or one of her cronies, they might get ideas! Imagine if they inacted Civil Forfeiture in Argentina!
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    10 Advantages Of Being Married To An Argentinean

    Another advantage is you don't need to worry about whether your partner is being faithful or not! :)
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    Cfk: Us Preparing To Kill Me And Topple My Govt

    Unfortunately there are some pretty rigid import restrictions, bit of a Catch 22 with CFK conducting the orchestra
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    Baexpats Bidet Poll

    You are so right. Respect for fellow citizens Abidance to rules, laws, regulations Integrity of the people in their personal and professional lives Security and Law and Order - 12 hour time difference (depending on the whims of the Casa Rosada) Truly...
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    Why Does Everyone Pick On Argentina?

    I think part of it has to do with during the cold war (especially 60's and 70's) the United States had an interventionist foreign policy (possibly came about after the Cuban Missile crisis when they got spooked a bit) and so they actively interfered in the domestic policies and democratic...
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    Who Has Dollar Fever?

    Has anyone heard of Godwin's law: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1" I'm not sure if Argentina deserves a special exemption to this given their history!
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    That's Some Mighty Fine Police Work.

    I spoke to an argentine friend and he said that some there were some drivers who were blocking the road (or at least driving well below the 50km minimum limit) as an act of protest because their factory had been closed down, hence the polices presence actually on the highway trying to resolve...
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    That's Some Mighty Fine Police Work.

    This is like a metaphor for the whole of argentina and the argentine way of doing things disrespect for the authorities (driver trying to edge past policemen who are trying to stop the traffic) abuse of power by the authorities (policeman trying to show the driver a lesson by jumping onto the...
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    What's The Best Way To Send Money To Argentina?

    If you have an account in Europe (or a friends account perhaps) then they can send it to Argentina via Azimo with pretty decent rates. I've used the service a few times and had no problems. Their customer support is also really good: Depending on your costs (if you have...
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    Give This Man A Medal.

    I think the dni database now includes a thumbprint record (which incidentally they ask you for when you leave the country). So I guess all it would take would be for the authorities to request their thumbprint in order to identify them, no need for a physical dni card.
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    Men's Shoes.

    There's a street full of good leather shoe shops in monserrat on San Jose between Mexico and Venezuela, I bought mine there a few years ago and have been very happy with them. Hope that helps