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  1. John.St

    Foreigners (Tourists & Non-Res) Cannot Use Ars For Travel

    An Argentine Supreme Court ruling says that No human being can be illegal (a person can only be irregular) while their actions can be illegal. Fallo de Cámara asegura que “ningún ser humano es ilegal”
  2. John.St

    Foreigners (Tourists & Non-Res) Cannot Use Ars For Travel

    I am afraid you have been misinformed (as so often in Argentina, where every single public "servant", accountant, lawyer, etc. has her or his own interpretation of any law and rule). ----------------------- AFIP on Income Tax According to the Argentine Income Tax Law, Argentine citizens must...
  3. John.St

    Foreigners (Tourists & Non-Res) Cannot Use Ars For Travel

    Absolutely. A Union citizen can stay forever in another union country - and some do - just register with the authorities. Besides, if Argentina gets too tiresome, I just move to Chile, where I have lived before, and where I am very welcome.
  4. John.St

    Foreigners (Tourists & Non-Res) Cannot Use Ars For Travel

    Congratulations! You are good at jumping to faulty conclusions. No one is telling me what to do? read this thread in its entirety. As a matter of fact, as a foreign national you can turn up and decide to live in my home country 180 days a year completely legally if you have a tourist visa...
  5. John.St

    Foreigners (Tourists & Non-Res) Cannot Use Ars For Travel

    If I had residence in Argentina it would cost me 127,000+ pesos a year in lost income, and I would lose a state guarantee for an investment. I pay full taxes in my home country, something I cannot avoid except if I give up my citizenship. Since March 2009 I have added 796,614 pesos to the...
  6. John.St

    Foreigners (Tourists & Non-Res) Cannot Use Ars For Travel

    It is really too bad I can't give you more than one lousy 'like'.
  7. John.St

    Foreigners (Tourists & Non-Res) Cannot Use Ars For Travel

    I am here because I like Mendoza and its closeness to Chile. During the many years I visited before I moved to South America, I acquired many friends on both sides of the border ... I also like the totally disorganised society, which supplies me with interesting problems to solve. I almost never...
  8. John.St

    Foreigners (Tourists & Non-Res) Cannot Use Ars For Travel

    Try living in a country, which doesn't allow dual citizenship and you will understand.
  9. John.St

    Domestic Help How Much Is Right?

    Almost 13,000 AR$ a month? (173 x 75) About the same as licensed engineer with 5 years of experience or a doctor at a hospital gets. Sounds slightly overrated, given that the rates in the link Bajo_cero2 gave ( http://m-elsalario.c...sonal-domestico ) says from AR$ 25 per hour to AR$ 34 for a...
  10. John.St

    Domestic Help How Much Is Right?

    Can you please elaborate on this. Are only Africans allowed to work per hour, or what? 'The obligations, which follows' are that the OP will have to pay 13 months a year, and if she steals from him, he will have to pay her 6-12 months of salary to get rid of her.
  11. John.St

    Current State Of International Post?

    Why, do you intend to send a packet of torture by mail? А у вас негров линчуют Whataboutism: http://en.wikipedia..../Whataboutism
  12. John.St

    Domestic Help How Much Is Right?

    Are you fully aware of the obligations, which follows from this? I advise you to stay with 'for hours'.
  13. John.St

    Alternative To The Beach

    Matias, please translate this for me: "Integrante argentino del Comité Científico". Could it possibly mean: "Argentine member of the Scientific Committee"? It is like this: If the party is not partisan (in this case with a dispute between Argentina and Uruguay from neither of the countries)...
  14. John.St

    Alternative To The Beach

    I don't believe it!!: 1. Foreign Minister Timerman announced that the scientific report warns of pollution generated by exBotnia in the Uruguay River. 2. Argentina afirma ... blah, blah I read on the wall of a public toilet, that Argentina will drop a nuclear bomb on Montevideo. For good...
  15. John.St

    Alternative To The Beach

    There are times when I simply don't believe what I read, but after I closed my eyes and opened them again, it was still there. In a few lines you claim that the following 14 judges at the International Court of Justice are corrupt and paid by Uruguay: Tomka, Koroma, Al-Khasawneh, Simma...
  16. John.St

    Alternative To The Beach

    Matias, how would you like to own the Eifel Tower (Tour de Eifel) in Paris? I can give you a splendid and affordable offer.
  17. John.St

    Alternative To The Beach

    The 4 (four) independent lab reports agree that UPM/Botnia does not pollute, as stated by the International Court of Justice ruling, but that the Argentine town of Gualeguaychú is pollution by letting their sewers flush uncleaned into the river. Addition: According to CARU (Comisión...
  18. John.St

    Blue Dollar Question

    As Rich One and ARbound hint above, make sure your US$ are 1. Clean 2. Whole 3. Not repaired in any way 4. Not written upon A tear, a single piece of tape or any writing can render a US$ bill worthless in South America, but - as you are about to find out for yourself - peso bills can be torn...
  19. John.St

    Alternative To The Beach

    - and The Bermuda Triangle - you forgot to mention The Bermuda Triangle!!! and the little green men, who are coming out of the walls at night. UPM (former Botnia) does not contaminate, as was established in the ruling from The Hague International Court of Justice. Argentina has systematically...
  20. John.St

    Obamacare: I Need Advice

    Has it ocurred to you, that if you call again, you'll probably get to talk to somebody else?