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  1. John.St

    Is It Time To Close The Blue Market?

    I have found the answer. Kale is col crespa or col rizada, also called Grünkohl and Grønkål. If you find it in BsAs, then please keep it to yourself.
  2. John.St

    Is It Time To Close The Blue Market?

    I guess this is what you are trying to show: Yours is the thumb-picture (very small, to click upon to get to the real picture).
  3. John.St

    Is It Time To Close The Blue Market?

    What on Earth is kale?
  4. John.St

    Is It Time To Close The Blue Market?

    Blue dollar is not a simple question of privilege. Trade in blue dollar and publishing the excange rate for blue and green is the only way to force the kleptomaniac Argentine government to the absolutely necessary devaluation of the AR$. Without the blue dollar, what would the cotización be...
  5. John.St

    Is It Time To Close The Blue Market?

    I know Argentine "pizza" - one inch of dry, flat bread covered with muzzarella. This "pizza a caballo" shows what is wrong: "pizza a caballo" is a slice of regular pizza (usually plain mozzarella pizza) - Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!! In all of Gran Mendoza, there are only two places one can get...
  6. John.St

    What Breakfast Food Tell About You

    Something of a fishy guy, that Rich One, ain't he?
  7. John.St

    What Breakfast Food Tell About You

    Bacon, rye bread and Huevos Ranchero or common fried eggs, cereals (not the disgusting thingies in RO's link! but natural, sugar free cereals), medialuna, coffee, tea, milk, pear or strawberry and jugo natural whichever is at hand, but never rich food :cool:
  8. John.St

    Is It Time To Close The Blue Market?

    You mean 'da reale zing'?
  9. John.St

    Is It Time To Close The Blue Market?

    You mean, try something new: be honest and fulfill your obligations? Wrong country, me bhoy! - except, perhaps, for your point 9. :lol:
  10. John.St

    Is It Time To Close The Blue Market?

    CED-IN IN-DEC Good luck, my boy - you'll certainly need it!
  11. John.St

    Is It Time To Close The Blue Market?

    The difference would be 'a potential stable strong economy', as the ruthless oligarchs have been running the show for at least 60 years. You've got that completely backfoot - you are certainly not alone in this. Knud (Canut, Cnut) was a very competent king, who was so tired of sycophants and...
  12. John.St

    Is It Time To Close The Blue Market?

    - add Gulags and concentration camps.
  13. John.St

    What To Bring When Moving From Europe To Argy

    Make sure to get a written guarantee that the price covers delivery after customs, and insurance. I am not sure whom of you, the transport company or yourself, will have to bribe the port mafia. Argentina is doing much better when it comes to corruption: no. 106 (italy is very clean in...
  14. John.St

    What To Bring When Moving From Europe To Argy

    How much will it cost to move your furniture from Italy to BsAs? subtract that from the price of furniture in Argentina (I would have had to pay app 11,500 US$ six years ago, bought a net set of furniture in excellent quality at app US$ 8,000 at the official exchange rate, that was before...
  15. John.St

    Citizenship Options - Overstay Tourist Visa, Or Legit Route?

    Stay away from a prórroga at migraciones. It can cost you a lot of problems later. Uruguay, Chile, overstay are all better solutions.
  16. John.St


    Amount? There are (different) limits in different banks' ATMs and on different credit cards. Try 2,000; 1,500; 1,200; 1,000; 900, ... The limit is often around 900-1,000. In 2008-09 the limit for MasterCard in Mendoza was AR$ 360,- but one wasn't charged the AR$ 17.xx fee.
  17. John.St

    Foreigners (Tourists & Non-Res) Cannot Use Ars For Travel

    Itte seemse zatte zi Argentinozi no entiunnestande zi inglese anne zat zey notte nowwe sommoonno whoza dozze.
  18. John.St

    Foreigners (Tourists & Non-Res) Cannot Use Ars For Travel

    El Dólar Turista es el precio de la cotización del Dólar Oficial + 35%. Este 35% es un impuesto que cobra el estado nacional sobre las compras con tarjetas de crédito en el extranjero. Turista is official + the 35% added when you pay with an Argentine credit card abroad, e.g. today official...
  19. John.St

    Foreigners (Tourists & Non-Res) Cannot Use Ars For Travel

    Use the link I gave ( ). Search "Personal Property Tax ".
  20. John.St

    Foreigners (Tourists & Non-Res) Cannot Use Ars For Travel

    So I noticed (you pointing to Christian's contradiction), but IMO the more who read the actual ruling and - hopefully - save the link, the more can correct misapprehensions.