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  1. hannstew

    Fines (Multas) On The Highway.

    GB, where did you get the helmet stickers? I need to get them for mine as well.. PS, yesterday I went to Entre Rios with a couple other guys for lunch and afterwards, I thought about you, should have written to see if you would like to go.. Anyway, maybe next time. It was a nice ride, a little...
  2. hannstew

    Afip Dog Finds $85,000 Hidden In A Car

    Here is another recent discovery( not in Argentina but how many times has the question come up in posts) Dont try anything funny or you may get your cash confiscated..
  3. hannstew

    Good Roaming Package

    I have Claro and seems almost everytime I travel to other countries it doesnt work on roaming. I always buy a sim card for whatever country Im in with a prepaid package for the amount that I will need.
  4. hannstew

    Dude, Where's My Car?!

    Here is an idea.. Ask the person whos garage it was blocking if they may know something about it. Chances are they wanted to leave their garage sometime during the day and couldnt due to your hot rod. (no pun intended)
  5. hannstew

    let,s cheer ourselves up
  6. hannstew

    Flying Domestically With Children Who Are Not Your Own

    I also agree, you wont need any signed authorization . We just got back today from skiing near Bariloche and only an ID of each person is required if not leaving the country.
  7. hannstew

    Lo Jack?

    I have lo-jack installed on my car and motorcycle but thankfully I cant say how well they work as I have not had either stolen.
  8. hannstew

    Worthless Napkins!!

    Definitely no Charmin with aloe toilet paper..
  9. hannstew

    Worthless Napkins!!

    Ha, frequenting places like the Alvear Palace, but taking napkins to go.
  10. hannstew

    I Found A Sube Card With $$$...

    Keep it and use it.. I could understand trying to find its rightful owner it had a substantual amout of cash on it but 20 pesos probably isnt worth the hastle by the owner, even if it could be tracked back to them.
  11. hannstew

    Watching The Big Game Tomorrow.

    I will be watching it and routing for Argentina in Germany.
  12. hannstew

    How You Imagine Forum Members

    Ajoknoblach during the world cup..
  13. hannstew

    "exotic" Grocery Items

    hahahaha!! Sorry, just had to do that... I've been here about 10 years and have only seen the typical chorizos found in the supermarkets.. Not a hint of andouille, or okra, however I dont go out looking too hard anymore as it has been a waste of time.. Forum member, NOLAchef may have some info...
  14. hannstew

    Scam Culture

    Can you give the name of the store so others can avoud the place?
  15. hannstew

    Recently Moved In From Houston

    Welcome from another Texan/ oilfield worker, although I dont work the fields here in Argentina..
  16. hannstew

    It's As Cold As A Witch's Tit Today...

    We say the same, and on hot days, "its hotter than a Mexican whore in the middle of July, on payday"
  17. hannstew

    Any Bikers Out There?

    Sorry folks, I will have to back out for inlaw commitments, that ride sounds interesting. Can I have a raincheck? I'm available most every day with a days notice.
  18. hannstew

    Any Bikers Out There?

    I think Sunday is going to be a nice day, any of the bike riders want to get out for an afternoon wind therapy session?
  19. hannstew

    Alaska To Argentina

    Mikey, You are awesome!! I like to ride but this isnt a ride, this is a life changing adventure.. I admire you and wish you the best on this trip. Your blog is excelent and those pics are a story book in itself. I am due back in BA mid May and if your still around and would like to come along...
  20. hannstew

    Updating Your Old Dni To The New Dni

    I just renewed mine this week. There are a couple ways to go about it. You can make an appointment or just show up at your LOCAL centro de documentation, mine was in Olivos. If you just show up, they will give out 100 numbers upon opening and attend those 100 people during their short work day...