Search results

  1. hannstew

    Vacation In Germany, Suggestions Requested.

    The wife and I are in the beginning stages of planning a vacation starting in Prague and then about a week traveling Germany. Can anyone recommend the route in Germany that would be best for scenery and castles (to visit)?
  2. hannstew

    Maple Syrup

    This will break your maple lovin' hearts
  3. hannstew

    Happy Hour March 7Th Friday 7:30 Until ???? Lets Party!!

    Count me as a maybe.. I will be arriving back from the US the day before after 5 weeks and the wife will probably want my time but I will try to get out..
  4. hannstew

    Worst Stupid Bureaucracy Story?

    We found out all this as well so took the easy way around it and went to the US to get married. Raised the right hand and swore we are not currently married, 3 days later(waiting on the marriage liscense) it was a done deal.. So much easier!!
  5. hannstew

    Carpenter Recommendation?

    I can recommend Joepiccola, a US native and member of this site. He did some work at our house and we were very pleased. He is very professional. PM me if you want his info.
  6. hannstew

    Ice Cream Parlor

    How about Dulce de leche with maple syrup topping!! Just kidding.. :P B)
  7. hannstew

    Maple Syrup

    Am I the only one who doesnt like maple syrup? I find it too bitter. I prefer Aunt Jemima and lots of butter on my pancakes. Or if in Ihop, I like their butter pecan syrup.
  8. hannstew

    Living The Expat Life

    This may hit home for many of us always on the move.
  9. hannstew

    Craw Fish Or Cray Fish

    45 Mins?!?! This is how they are done: Bring a pot of water to a rolling boil add 1 pkt of Zaterrain's Crawfish Boil and add the crawfish. Stir them up a bit, then cover the pot and return to boil for about 5-10 minutes. Stir them again, turn off the fire and allow them to soak for about 10-15...
  10. hannstew

    let,s cheer ourselves up

    My wife and I were sitting at a table at her high school reunion, and she kept staring at a drunken man swigging his drink as he sat alone at a nearby table. I asked her, "Do you know him?" "Yes", she sighed, "He's my old boyfriend. I understand he took to drinking right after we split up those...
  11. hannstew

    South Asian Food Recommendation

    We found and tried a South Asian food restaurant last weekend and I thought I would share my experience with you guys. The place is called Captain Cook and is located in San Isidro almost across the street from PF Chang on Libertador. The atmosphere and food were very good. The menu is short but...
  12. hannstew

    Most Wtf Moment Ever

    Why not make a couple trips or yes, walk. I would imagine that should there be an accident and they lost a family member or 3, they would have wished they walked.
  13. hannstew

    20 De Diciembre..dia De Saqueous??

    I also get notifications from my company. Here is the latest one I recieved. Very similar to pitipur's. I am only posting Argentina but they are for global situations and recieve them daily They come from International SOS, [email protected] and not sure if they are...
  14. hannstew

    Uruguay Sets Legalised Cannabis Price At $1 A Gram

    Im interested in the 1st "review" that someone gives of a weekend or day trip to Colonia.. Quality, true price, accessability etc..
  15. hannstew

    Any Bikers Out There?

    Thats a good looking Yamaha there.. When I put the back seat on and take the wife for a ride, she says that she has a "special relationship" with the bike. (the vibration) :wub:
  16. hannstew

    Bariloche Unique Property For Sale

    SS, been so long I forgot about you.. Hope all is well your way. Great looking property by the way..
  17. hannstew

    Any Bikers Out There?

    I would love to go see the Isle of Man in person.. I used to like speed and rode sport bikes when I was a youngster but now I would rather look good getting there. :) I generally take it pretty easy, rarely over 120km/hr.
  18. hannstew

    Any Bikers Out There?

    GB, I am in Bolivia for a couple more weeks so I will have to miss out on anything you guys do this month but I will be in BA almost all of next month if you want to do something then.. I will be free pretty much every day then. Keep safe and have a good ride.
  19. hannstew

    Any Bikers Out There?

    Here is my scooter on the riverfront near Olivos.. I usually get out on the weekends and go towards San Antonio de Areco or Lujan, or somewhere like that for a lunch outside the city. If you guys want to go some weekend, I would be up for it..
  20. hannstew

    Any Bikers Out There?

    Gringoboy, how do you post a pic on here? I was going to post a pic of my bike but cant figure out how..