Search results

  1. L

    Nasty Stomach Bug?

    I had one for 3 days/ 2nights in January but couldn't pinpoint it to food as I had shared meals with others and no one got it from eating the same things...
  2. L

    First Visit To Retiro

    ... You mean the whole milanesa ... (I beat Steve while offering no good advice)
  3. L

    Fastest Way To Drive To Uruguay?

    If there were a bridge further south than the frey bentos one, don't you think you'd at least see it in google maps?!
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    Stuck In Montevideo!

    The talented subte musicians deserve it... the subte is terrible, between the heat, the crowds, and the tactic of leaving a product on your lap. The good musicians make it so much better.
  5. L

    Customs Fyi

    I thought that customs allows you 1 package for $25 declared or less per year... had you received any packages to your door before this? Also, small envelope sized items usually get through without going to Retiro.
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    Stuck In Montevideo!

    Actually I'm an active member.. but when I go somewhere looking for a free place to stay I tend to arrange it in advance, use the CS website instead of this one to network and find hosts, and also bring some backup money in case I am not lucky!
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    Stuck In Montevideo!

    As weird as OP sounded to me, ya gotta love the discussions and varying of opinions that arise from these oddball posts.
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    Idois is the best!!
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    Stuck In Montevideo!

    honestly you are traveling with no money, relying on the kindness of others, and you come here to ask for a contact who would be willing to host you in Montevideo? Sounds a bit looney...
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    Can You Still Pay Overstay Exit Fee At Aeroparque Airport?

    Paid it in December before flying out of Ezeiza the next day. So as of 9 weeks ago, was totally possible.
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    Import Tax Laws?

    why would you have to pay for someone to 'bring it in'?
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    Looking For A Basenji Breeder In Argentina/uruguay

    or you can adopt... plenty of street dogs looking for loving homes.
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    Might Over Stay My Visa, Will I Have A Problem?

    Just pay it on the way out it's much easier/ faster and I hate that Retiro building! I actually did it in Aeroparque the day before I left because I live close to there and could go by car. The fee is still 300 pesos!!
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    Maybe, Because I Don't Follow The Local News ????

    Cars are supposed to have their lights on at all times here, that's what my local boyfriend says anyway...
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    Arquitects Wanted For Radio Program

    not possible to change titles, admin has to do it.
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    Might Over Stay My Visa, Will I Have A Problem?

    I had the same issue... overstayed for the second time (in 3 years) last year, got my second overstay stamp in December and came back in January with no problems. But I did tell them (when they asked how long I was staying) that I was going to start my residency process. But that I hadn't done...
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    Job Offer: Translating And Composing Tourist Info

    i said i decided not to apply after i learned it would be going to microcentro every day... call me a wussy but i'm just not into that lifestyle.
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    Job Offer: Translating And Composing Tourist Info

    it's for Despegar and it's in microcentro... for the second fact, I had to rescind my application.
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    Overstayed Visa--How Many Times Is This Acceptable?

    Can OP please just poke around the forum FOR A FEW MINUTES and save us all a whole lot of time.... (poor Bajo!!)
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    Impossible To Get Credit Card Replacement

    I understand your frustration but I also want to express my political correctness in saying that the *r word is really not appropriate in this instance...