Search results

  1. W

    New procedure at EZE, Immigration.

    I can't imagine immigration cares much about people from developed economies over-staying their visas. They are concerned about neighbours (Bolivians, Peruvians and Paraguayans mostly). There may be close 1 million of those living here illegally. Sentiment towards foreigners with mopney seems...
  2. W

    Search: Stuff for a newborn

    I did notice there is a new baby store on Suipacha between Juncal and Arenales. Actually not new, it just moved from around the corner. They seem to have lot of clothes and couldn't advise on what they don't have. Cheers, RR
  3. W

    Attempted mugging near the Abasto

    This is true the PFA don't answer to Macri. But the new metropolitan force (which does) is no better. They do get paid better, which mean corruption will be somewhat diminished. But don't forget that of the first three bosses hired to set up the force, two are in jail and one awaits trial...
  4. W

    Canadian moving to BA

    Feel free to contact me when you get here. I am a bit tied up for the next weeks. Been here on-and-off for the past four years and know the city well. I'm a Canadian, but never lived there much. Journalist (used to do heaps of work for the CBC before they gutted the news division). Cheers, Richard
  5. W

    Expropriation of YPF - What's next?

    >> I don't think the Peso situation is THAT drastic yet. It will get there, but it isn't worthless just yet.<< It's not a question being of being worthless, but banks have been burned before on currency transactions with the Peso and simply don't want to deal with Pesos. I have asked three...
  6. W

    Expropriation of YPF - What's next?

    As 'CityGirl' mentiopned, those who want to sell their properties and leave the country may be screwed. The Peso is essentially no longer a currency worth anything. US and European banks, if they will even take Pesos change them at a huge discount (often 50% of the current rate here in BA). And...
  7. W

    Good bookstores in town?

    I echo the suggestion about Paseo de libros. Good books and there is a cafe in the back.
  8. W

    make ~800 pesos per week teaching English

    I am quite interested. I am available immediately. Send me your email and I can fire off a CV and samples of my work. I am a writer-journalist with almost 20 years experience and an excellent grasp of English vocabulary, grammer and style. Cheers, Richard (w.richard.reynolds @
  9. W

    Recommend a book

    I just read Feast of the Goat, by Mario Vargas Llosa - I´m sure it available in both English and Spanish. It is about Trujillo, the dictator in the Dominican Republic for about 20 years. It is a great study in corrupted power. Not really non-fiction book, but everything in it is real. Chiiling...
  10. W

    Money Issues for an Expat

    The vast majority of Argentines survive on far less - 10k pesos would be a pretty good salary for a middle manager. If you are not paying rent, you should live fairly well and have enough left over to travel around the region. The one thing you have to watch is inflation. You didn´t say if...
  11. W

    car rental company in uruguay ?

    Most countries are the same. As a rule, only Europe and the US honour credit insurance. If you do get into an accidenmt, you may find yourself in deep doo-doo. Some countries will not let you leave until the matter is settled.. My company always tells us to buy the local insurance for everything...
  12. W

    Babysitting rates?

    I have friends who have hired au pairs. Some pay less than that (I presume you mean PESOS20 per hour), but people that I know usually hire one full-time and the woman cleans, walks the dog and runs errands in addition to child-care. You could possibly pay less, but unless you are very poor...
  13. W

    More Kirchner News

    No nation backs its currency anywhere near 100%, most are in the single digits. Even when the US or the UK were the so-called 'gold standard' they didn't back their currencies totally, rationalizing that everyione wouldn't want gold all at once. Paper was, is and always will be an illusion...
  14. W

    "TA 90 dias" stamp in passport

    I wouldn't worry, I have had several different stamps over the years. They all mean the same thing.
  15. W

    Chocolate Festival

    Villa Belgrano is not in Cordoba but it is nearby. It is a german town and you might think you were Bavaria -although less so as time goes on. Amongst other things, this is where many of the survivors of the Graf Spe - a Nazi warship sunk by the British off Montevideo at the outset of the war...
  16. W

    Question about tourist visa timeframe..

    If your visa is not expired you can get renewed once at the Migraciones office on Antartida - just north of the Buquebus terminal. It can involve a bit of a wait but if you have need/desire to go to Uruguay then it´s much easier. And the other poster was right don´t assume anything. I was in a...
  17. W

    Cheap contact lenses

    Does anyone know of a place to buy cheap contact lenses, preferably Accuview? I am in San Telmo, some between here and Recoleta would be great- Thanks, Richard
  18. W

    Running/ Cycling in BA?

    The Bosques de Palermo are frequented by joggers and cyclists. It is a large network of inter-connected parks near the river in the east of Palermo. As long as you don´t run/ride to late in evening you will fine and surrounded by people. And I have been robbed twice here! The other nice place...
  19. W

    Anyone know of a place to find a cheap phone? :)

    Try Mercado libre again - try typing in a specific manufacturer or phone model - you should be able a cheap used phone. I got mine off MercadoLibre. Alternately, try one of the small independent cell phone shops, they often have used phones. Good luck. RR
  20. W

    MUST apostille FBI letter

    If you are still in the US an Argentine Embassy or Consulate can do it and its a lots easier than trying to get it done here.