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  1. R

    Any ideas why the blue and MEP rates have dropped so much this month?

    The manipulation today by the big players make the 1978 actors look like amateurs.
  2. R

    Any ideas why the blue and MEP rates have dropped so much this month?

    Speculators control the markets, not mom and pop dollar holders. I'm still convinced the dollar will go back up, albeit when is a good question. Rest assured the big players have and are making lots of profits on the exchange rate variations.
  3. R

    Is the Milei "Transformation" Failing Already?

    I've called some politicians far worse but calm your feathers as this is not a political gossip site. As for vermin, feel free to take a stroll in certain cities in the US (and of course in Argentina) at night. That title will be mild if and when you're done the walk. As for politicians...
  4. R

    Is the Milei "Transformation" Failing Already?

    You obviously missed the point.
  5. R

    Is the Milei "Transformation" Failing Already?

    The truth about politicians can't be masked.
  6. R

    Mosquito Invasion

    I thought it was because I'm so sweet!
  7. R

    Argentina’s restaurants shine brightly (Micheline guide)

    If you have money and want to spend it on, for example, expensive restaurants, do it! Unless you want to be the wealthiest stiff in the cemetery. Otherwise your family will be fighting over who gets what of yours when you pass.
  8. R

    Is the Milei "Transformation" Failing Already?

    Gotta like how Milei calls out the politicians here: "congress is a nest of rats".
  9. R

    Mosquito Invasion

    Next you'll blame ...... Trump.
  10. R

    Scooters in BA

    Make sure you will is properly drawn up! And I mean that in all seriousness.
  11. R

    Are Most Fruterias Dishonest?

    My first name is Charles, which gets slightly butchered when pronounced in English by someone who only speaks Spanish. I get Karloose, Chaallees, Carlos, But they treat me very well as I've been going there the better part of 10 years.
  12. R

    Are Most Fruterias Dishonest?

    I, too use autoservicio and know most all the employees to at least say hola to. They know I'm an American and ALL talk English to me (one of the reasons my Spanish isn't good). Most call me by my first name when I enter the store....
  13. R

    Argentina’s restaurants shine brightly (Micheline guide)

    While there are, indeed, many fine Argentine restaurants, I notice many of them are not full these days! A sad comment on the times.
  14. R

    Is the Milei "Transformation" Failing Already?

    Hardly, however mixing lemons with pineapples isn't, in my opinion, relevant.
  15. R

    Is the Milei "Transformation" Failing Already?

    I'd still prefer to be in Argentina over Taiwan. I'll live with the problems.
  16. R

    Is the Milei "Transformation" Failing Already?

    Your post is going to result in the highly respected and learned counselor needing a change in underwear.
  17. R

    Is the Milei "Transformation" Failing Already?

    You're obviously entitled to your beliefs but exactly who is the "we"? Seems all Christina and her kind did was to expand an underclass of impoverished Argentines who depend on govt largesse. Just how long did you think her benevolence would last? My guess is until your last peso.
  18. R

    Toilet paper prices

    Like squeezing the Charmin by Mr Whipple!
  19. R

    Toilet paper prices

    To keep you from being wiped out, Carrefour today had this toilet paper at 3,100 with 80% off the second. It's so, so soft.....
  20. R

    Western Union money transfer

    I'm not an economist but my background gives me room to pause, think, observe and act on why the peso/US dollar are not at polar opposite ends of the financial world. Even friends here, a few in well-placed financial areas, say the overt manipulation of the peso is providing some speculators...