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  1. E

    At A Crossroads: Economics or Computers

    I work in economics and except for one course I teach for fun at UBA, I do all my work for institutions/think tanks abroad. In Argentina economics mean either to work for the government or in a consulting firm, and only those consulting firm working for the government get decent salaries...
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    Jennifer Lopez and manager robbed in BA

    Was she robbed by the communist and permastudents from UBA???
  3. E

    LAN + TAM = "Latam" (Airline Merger)

    Indeed, this was expected and LAN has been for a long time the most efficient and well run air company in LAT. There will be further consolidation in the air industry what for us consumers may mean less competition and higher prices. However, it is important to clarify "the second largest...
  4. E

    We want dialogue! No, not here, not now!

    Boy... I do not know how you make a living but I do have to work from time to time (even on Saturdays). You still do not understand the difference between the Greenland and Falkland case (read Andy's post to get an idea where the difference come from) and regarding the concept of mandate and...
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    Argentine history

    It is indeed an excellent book and recommendation but to really understand Argentinean, you also need to read the pre 1860 period. Tulio Halperín Donghi is also an excellent source.
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    Rumour: Plan to crash BODEN 2012 bond prices

    They have screwed the economy to save enough dollars to pay among other things the BODEN. It would be sad that they pay it in pesos.
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    We want dialogue! No, not here, not now!

    Interesting reading but I am afraid you are losing your time here. Most people could not grasp the meaning of "jurisdiction" and "mandate" or understand the specificity of the Falkland/Malvinas case comparing it with a water jurisdiction dispute in Greenland. Or even worst, use Aldo Rico as...
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    We want dialogue! No, not here, not now!

    By the way, I wonder exactly when and why the 1990s policy of seduction toward the Kelpers changed. I understand that Kirchner at the beginning follow the same policy and later walk away. We left Argentina in 2000 and I only came back a few months ago so I lost that part of the story.
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    We want dialogue! No, not here, not now!

    I am saying that you can do MUCH better than this. Rico is fascist and if you use him as your source, you will not helping your cause. I listened to the video and in all honesty it is hard to follow the logic of the argument. He does agree with the principle of self-determination, that the...
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    We want dialogue! No, not here, not now!

    Elected politician? Excuse me, do you know Aldo Rico well? I may not be Argentinean but I was an expat kid in this country and I can remember well Rico... how he attempted not one but twice a coup d'etat. I also remember when all of the sudden he became democratic and run for parliament under...
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    Strike: how long untl gas runs out?

    It will last about at least 10 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... gone. No more gas around my neighborhood.
  12. E

    safety in BA

    So the questions are how big (and secure) is the bonus in dollars vs your salary and how they will update your salary in pesos as inflation is a problem. And if they update it, would they use official inflation rate or the actual one? You need to think carefully about the purchasing power of...
  13. E

    safety in BA

    For what I read in the other thread, probably his Spanish is not only better than your English but also better than your Spanish! Please stop being annoying. In any case, coming to the specific question, as every large city there are risks. The city is safe for Latin American standards but it...
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    We want dialogue! No, not here, not now!

    I was going to answer on the ICJ/UN issue but this thread has become way too funny. I have never seen someone like flowerpower. I always think is important to focus in the arguments and not in the person but it is really impossible. You do not even know how to write in your own language let...
  15. E

    We want dialogue! No, not here, not now!

    The first victim of a war is the truth so you can hardly know everything that happened back there. Second, I think there is misunderstanding because you used the wrong verb tense. You implied that today the inexistent Argentine air force could match the royal air force. What you probably...
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    We want dialogue! No, not here, not now!

    You must be super-smart... but I am having a hard time making the connection here.
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    We want dialogue! No, not here, not now!

    Well, the other possibilities are that (1) my English is not good enough to communicate what I am trying to say, and/or (2) that you do not understand how international affairs/diplomacy works and that semantics really matter. Yes, Argentina can apply to ICJ the same way that the British...
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    Carmelo? Gualeguaychu?

    Can't say because I went to Martin Garcia in summer (I remember we were eaten alive by mosquitos). Basically you walk in the woods, see the large lizards, eat in a so so restaurant, they give you a tour that has some significance if you know Argentine history, and you buy the "famous" panettone...
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    Carmelo? Gualeguaychu?

    I would not recommend Carmelo in winter, specially if it is cold and humid. Carmelo is a nice day trip in Spring. Gualeyguachu (in my opinion) is only worth during carnival. Other option similar to Carmelo is Isla Martin Garcia... you go and come back in the day. If you want some sort of...
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    We want dialogue! No, not here, not now!

    Just to clarify something, I am totally in favour of the self-determination of the Kelpers (or any other people for what matter). My point is different, regarding colonies, the ICJ can only provide non binding ruling and advisory on this type of issues. It does not have the mandate nor the...