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  1. E

    Brazil to rescue Argentina

    I have the right to be amuse by the naivete of some people in some areas/issues. I do not see that as something particularly bad as naive people are (often) the nicest in the world. I was treated with the greatest respect and kindness when I lived and worked in the States. If I did not have a...
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    Brazil to rescue Argentina

    I am always impress by the naivete of lot of Americans with respect to foreign affairs. Some cost-benefit analysis for you And this analysis does not include all the contracts (billions$) given to the companies that...
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    I used Escribania Baredes back in December. Avenida Corrientes 2422, 2nd floor. One block from Pasteur metro stop. He speaks very good English. As for quick, I have learned the hard way that nothing is "quick" here.
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    book imports

    Bought a book in February using Amazon, arrived in March at my door using regular mail. Did not pay any custom fee but the shipping was almost $20!
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    Brazil to rescue Argentina

    I personally like Colin despite of this big misstep. He seems a coherent and sensible person. There is a problem with military education that do not allow you to put into question what your superior tells you to do/say. Of course, you would not like to be questioned during a battle but that has...
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    Brazil to rescue Argentina

    You are right, they have not done anything last week. Now, go and look a little bit deeper in the historical record :) In the view of some people (including me), the US has a propensity to invade countries because of economic reasons under the pretext of a fight for freedom and democracy. Of...
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    Brazil to rescue Argentina

    Brazilian military incursion? In what world/decade you live? Brazil is not the USA! The mentioning of the menopause as a negative condition affecting mental capabilities is not only offensive for our female counterparts but also IGNORANT. Menopause is a permanent condition, so you cannot wait...
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    The Ultimate Krugman Take-Down

    Those of you filling your mouths with Keynesians theories, have you ever read Keynes? Do you know that several lines in economics called themselves Keynesian and they do not agree with each other in almost anything? Do you know that there is no such a thing as Keynesian or Austrian economic...
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    Any Scots in BA?

    Andy Murray is moving soon. Poor fellow.
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    Former Military calls Chileans Swines and not surprisingly they get a little upset.

    Indeed, the second map is really impressive. I love the South Atlantic!!
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    Former Military calls Chileans Swines and not surprisingly they get a little upset.

    You are right cause accordingly to you probably I am 1/3 Argentine, 1/3 Peruvian, and 1/3 Bolivian. I do like mate. It's a bit bitter but it taste ok the second time. Anyway, good like with the shrink.
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    Buenos Aires is not the Only City in Argentina!

    Cordobese is right, we are almost all stuck in BA. This is my second time living in Argentina (the first one was for 15 years) and I am ashamed to recognize that I have been once to Rosario and Mendoza, and a few times to the usual suspects (Bariloche, Iguazu, Mar del Plata, Pinamar, etc) but I...
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    Former Military calls Chileans Swines and not surprisingly they get a little upset.

    Cause I am a jolly good fellow, here you go Now, get lost.
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    Former Military calls Chileans Swines and not surprisingly they get a little upset.

    And what is the nonsense??? As always you have a problem to read between lines and put in my mouth things I never said or implied. When did I implied "To imply that the fact that a good chunk of the Chilean society is reticent about democracy is in any way an exception in Latin America, is to...
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    Former Military calls Chileans Swines and not surprisingly they get a little upset.

    In general Argentine are not well regarded in the rest of Latin America because of their arrogance but I dare you find a country where Chileans are liked more. In Peru to call someone a Chilean is actually an insult. Same in Bolivia. Of course, there are historical reasons for all that and some...
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    Am I a little nuts to choose BA? Help.

    I think the negativity is not an issue of only BAexpat. I have been an Expat in seven countries and as such I have been to too many Expat sites and always the prevalent mood is negative. Bitching about the host country, the locals, and their political leaders is a favorite past time among...
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    Moving to Bs As soon... what do I need?

    I think this is great advice.
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    What a difference a few years makes

    Argentina had two episodes of hyper-inflation: 1989 and 1990, hardly any direct connection with the War that took place in 1982. Yes, the war helped increased the external debt due to the fiscal imbalances and high debt may have been one of the determinants of hyper-inflation. However, the...
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    At A Crossroads: Economics or Computers

    My brother does programming for Nokia mobiles. He lives in Barcelona and work from home mostly for the UK and Finland. I think the big differences between Econ and IT, job market wise, is that in Economics you need to have at least a good MA (or a PhD) to be taken seriously and in IT you just...
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    Argentina to disrupt Olympics

    And I thought the Argentine press was bad...