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  1. J


    I saw the article this morning. Disturbing! Lavagna is usually fairly low-key, reliable, undramatic. When I was watching Argentina from a distance in the early Kirchner years, he seemed to be the architect of the recovery. Rumor had it that Nestor canned him for not playing well with the other...
  2. J

    Has anyone used XOOM before?

    If you go up the thread, someone mentioned transferring from a US account to a Banco Frances account here. I'm currently trying to do a transfer to a Citi account here. I'll report what happens when/if it ever does.
  3. J

    Has anyone used XOOM before?

    Let me second demokritos' assessment of Xoom customer service. I ordered my first transfer last week. They immediately called to request documents, and I received an email with the same request while we were speaking. I sent them everything within the hour. They sent me a thank-you email...
  4. J

    Internal Flights

    Legally, only residents can fly at the reduced fares. That said, people have reported in other threads here (tip: use the search box) successfully doing it by buying the ticket online, doing online checkin, taking only carry-on luggage, and NOT going near the checkin counter at the airport. As...
  5. J

    5 Tips for Newcomers

    Another tip: looking for stuff in Argentina, use the Argentine version of Google: and then click "Páginas de Argentina."
  6. J

    help needed! for paper jungle car sale process

    From google:
  7. J

    Need an ear doctor!

    The policlínico of the Hospital Aleman has Otorrinos (ENT specialists) available without appointments. I've seen a couple there over the years, and all are excellent. All of the doctors I've met there speak at least some English. Dr. Juan Pablo Inda did a residency in the US and speaks better...
  8. J

    Got milk? (if not you may want to stock-up)

    It's actually a 9-day strike that began yesterday. Clarin reported that yesterday only 197 cattle arrived at the Liniers market for slaughter, as opposed to the usual 1500-3000 per day. In the past, these strikes weren't too painful. There were spot shortages and vendors pricing things to take...
  9. J

    Significant news about peso exchange rate

    I also saw a local peanut butter in a health food shop on Ciudad de la Paz and Juramento. It looked like home-made peanut butter - lots of bits and lots of oil on top.
  10. J

    Has anyone used XOOM before?

    My first transfer is still in process, so I have nothing to add to the other reports in this thread. demokritos described his problems earlier in this thread and offered to send the form, which I requested by PM and then posted earlier today. Shortly after I ordered the transfer (to my AR...
  11. J

    Significant news about peso exchange rate

    Here are couple readings that may convince you otherwise.
  12. J

    Buenos aires - cordoba.. travel

    No, the train is not comfortable, but No, it's not expensive. Be aware that first-class on an Argentine train is equivalent to 3rd class in Eastern Europe.
  13. J

    5 Tips for Newcomers

    Try the city mapa page that kavanap also mentions, Enter the address or intersection where you want to go, then the address or intersection where you are, and it will show you all the bus and train options with approximate time, walking distance, etc.
  14. J

    Has anyone used XOOM before?

    The form is just a money-laundering control. It's nothing to be concerned about. You can email or fax it to Xoom with your order number and they hand it off to MMT. (Or at least that's what they tell me.) I'm attaching the form for anyone who needs it. If you're using the latest version of...
  15. J

    Significant news about peso exchange rate

    Yes, the US crisis happened largely because of unregulated markets and unrestrained competition among the banks for profitable shares in growing high-risk lines of business. These businesses were so complicated that few if any bank executives or board members understood them, and the risk...
  16. J

    Significant news about peso exchange rate

    I think it was just Moreno trying to strong-arm dealers into doing what the government wants but can't make happen on their own. No way anyone but the BCRA is selling dollars at these prices. Btw Xoom is still taking orders at 5.6328, and Ambito shows the dolar informal at 5.93/5.95 with a...
  17. J

    Significant news about peso exchange rate

    I agree that vulture funds have a somewhat useful purpose in maintaining a market for otherwise defunct securities. Saying that Argentina offered nothing, however, is not true. In both the 2005 and 2010 offers, the defaulted bonds were swapped at 66% of face value plus back interest. That's...
  18. J

    Anyone have a current Xoom coupon code?

    "Cruz" and "Speedmay" no longer work. Anyone have a current one?
  19. J

    Buenos aires - cordoba.. travel

    The general rule here is that except for travel from the capital to a suburb, you avoid trains. Take a bus and buy the most expensive class of service offered. This page shows what companies make the run
  20. J

    Laundry Recoleta

    Las Heras and Uriburu, southwest corner, on Las Heras.