Search results

  1. J

    Tourist visas

    They do indeed have entry/exit details on the computer. I reviewed the record of a friend who was extending his visa at Migraciones when the agent questioned his 4 pages of entries and exits over 5 years. The passport trick is interesting, however, since the record I saw was keyed to my...
  2. J

    Getting support for my MacBook Pro?

    I've used the Apple reseller at Honduras 5225 (Godoy Cruz) for repairs to a Macbook Pro, and they've always been helpful, especially when the computer is under warranty. And they're honest! Sometime after its warranty expired, the Macbook Pro started shutting down every few minutes. When I...
  3. J

    Tourist visas

    On the law. Check the migraciones web site or look up the last administrative decree governing this. A tourist visa is good for 90 days. It can be prolonged 1 time for an additional 90 days. BUT each time you leave and re-enter the country you are granted a new visa that is good for 90 days...
  4. J

    Insurance / good doctor

    Any insurance company or agency you pass in the street will write inexpensive homeowner or renter policies. Avoid the package policies they and banks offer, because the coverage is generic and probably includes too little coverage in some areas - typically electronics - and too much in others...
  5. J

    Tourist visas

    Actually, a tourist visa lasts for 90 days or until you leave the country within 90 days of entering. Each time you leave the country and return, you're granted another, new tourist visa for 90 days. If you look at your passport, the entry stamp shows this clearly. There is no legal limit on the...
  6. J

    favourite stop over between BA and Montreal

    Also a tip, Thomas. if you're flying into New York/JFK and travelling reasonably light, you can take the elevated Airtrain from the American Airlines terminal to its stop at Sutphin Blvd. There you can transfer to the E subway and get into Manhattan for U$7,50 in about 45 minutes, which is...
  7. J

    favourite stop over between BA and Montreal

    When United merged with Continental they moved the DC flight to Newark. So no more direct flights to Washington.
  8. J

    Best place for Bday party for 100 people (3 of us)?

    Now that would be a surprise in this town, wouldn't it! :D
  9. J

    Uruguayan bank account

    The US requirement for foreign banks is nothing more than filing a form notifying the US Treasury that one of their citizens holds an account at the bank. Citibank AR makes me sign these from time to time, and my US accountant files a client form at the same time he does my 1040s. I don't try to...
  10. J

    Cost of Living / Salary Parity for BsAs?

    That is true. That's what citygirl pointed out. Even more to the point, the property serving for the garantía will usually be required to be a property in CABA or at least very close by. I don't believe there is any such law. There have been various proposals, but none has been approved...
  11. J

    favourite stop over between BA and Montreal

    Unless you're willing to make 2 connections on the way to Montreal, your stopover options in North America are Miami - 3 flights daily on AA, 1 on AR, and 1 or 2 on LAN - good for beach and party scene New York - 1 daily on AA and 1 on UA - highly recommended, especially now with spring...
  12. J

    Protecting apt from robbery

    Was the lock changed before or after the second robbery? If your landlord doesn't want to install a second lock on your door, suggest splitting the cost. If you have to pay for it yourself, a locksmith will charge around $400 pesos to install a high-security lock - not a bad investment to feel...
  13. J

    Protecting apt from robbery

    If there are multiple breakins in the building, there is probably an unauthorized key floating around. The consorcio's Administrador should arrange to change the lock on the entrance door immediately. Call the admin office, tell them there have been 2 apartment robberies in X days, and the...
  14. J

    Protecting apt from robbery

    Shopping for insurance, avoid package policies. They never have the coverage you need - probably high on fire coverage and low on theft of electronics, for example. Talk with an agent, who should visit your apartment and suggest limits of coverage and deductibles. Everything is negotiable...
  15. J

    Has anyone used XOOM before?

    Thanks Bradly for pointing this out. I transferred some money last week via standard channels at the standard bank rate, less bank commissions and fees. Today I calculate the advantage with Xoom, and I would have deposited 20% more pesos if I had Xoom wire the funds into my Citi Argentina...
  16. J

    Will Argentina return to a system of multiple exchange rates?

    Have you noticed that the press has begun talking about the "Blue" rate for informal (i.e. unregulated) currency transactions? This hints at legitimizing the secondary market, from "black" to "blue." In a class on Argentine economic history I'm taking at Di Tella, we recently got into ad-hoc...
  17. J

    What's the going rate for "informal" purchases of dollar?

    Has anyone sold dollars in the last week or so? What's the going rate?
  18. J

    How much did your ABL increase?

    Anybody else want to contribute to the survey by barrio? Per suggestion of 2GuysInPM, I'm happy to run the numbers by square meter and barrio if you want to contribute data. Based on a few data points I have already, I don't see any correlation based on size of apartment, but there's very...
  19. J

    Good price on getting shirts laundered?

    If you have a mucama, negotiate with her to take them home and do them.
  20. J

    No more Valium

    Go to neighborhood farmacias - NOT the big avenue stores - and ask for clonazapam. If they ask for a receta, tell them no other store has asked for it. If they insist, walk on to the next little farmacia. They all stock the drug, and most will sell without recetas.