Search results

  1. J

    Conditions for laser eye surgery covered by OSDE

    Stop by an OSDE office and ask the questions. I've always found them reliable, and usually even helpful. If you're comfortable handling this in castellano, make an appointment with Dra. Adriana Tytiun in Caballito. She's a superb opthalmologist, docente at the medical school, and an expert in...
  2. J

    Cost of Living / Salary Parity for BsAs?

    About a month ago, I posted data at from a study I've been tracking for some years now, that has seemed fairly reliable to me. The same source has salary parity data that I haven't paid much attention to...
  3. J

    YPF Nationalized

    Claiming insufficient investment by the foreign oil companies operating in Venezuela, the government began nationalizing exploration and production in 1973. Under government management, production declined 31% by 1976 and continued falling through the 1980s. In the early 1990s, the government...
  4. J

    YPF Nationalized

    Scanning news sources and analysis, I find one that speaks to the question better than I can. Martín Caparros is an Argentine who writes blog about Argentina for the Madrid daily El País. The full post is here. Caparros is totally sympathetic about the need for government control of energy...
  5. J

    Rentas/ ABL tax increase

    Since most of the boletos have barcodes that can't be scanned, everyone is trying to access the online site. It's been timing out since 0830 this morning.
  6. J

    YPF Nationalized

    The other part of the same announcement today hasn't gotten much attention. She also announced lowering the export tariffs on beef and beef products. I assume this is recognition that at official exchange rates, Argentine agro exports are becoming uncompetitive, at least when you add on the...
  7. J

    Rentas/ ABL tax increase

    expatinowncountry, In what barrio do you live?
  8. J

    Money Issues for an Expat

    According to, the starting salary for a full-time Associate Professor at a public university was $10.449 in October 2010. For full-time teachers in colegios, it was $2484. They would have received some increases since then, based on INDEC inflation...
  9. J

    Rentas/ ABL tax increase

    I just started another thread to survey increase rates. What I don't understand is the magnitude of the increases. The city budgeted an overall 22% increase in gastos this year, partly supported by a 61% increase in ABL revenue. But I haven't heard of any bill that increased only 61%.
  10. J

    How much did your ABL increase?

    I have bills for 3 properties in Palermo. 2 increased by 100% and 1 by 178%. IF YOU POST A REPLY INDICATING THE PERCENTAGE INCREASE AND YOUR BARRIO, I WILL POST A SUMMARY BY BARRIO IN A COUPLE WEEKS.
  11. J

    Move to Buenos Aires?

    If you enable private messages, Bruce, I can send you some stuff. Or send me a PM with your email.
  12. J

    SUBE card

    They stopped taking online orders for new cards a month or 2 ago. The link is only to replace a lost or stolen card. This link lists all locations in CABA where you can obtain your original/first card:
  13. J

    car rental company in uruguay ?

    All credit card companies say the same thing - you're covered for collision and loss-damage waiver around the world. I've filed a few claims over the years, and they do eventually come through. It's a hassle, but enough letters and calls will eventually get you the benefit. (Note that most cards...
  14. J

    car rental company in uruguay ?

    I second Tom's suggestion. Last time I reserved online with Dollar (or maybe Thrifty?), and when I arrived at the office, they were quoting rates to walk-up clients twice what I was paying (and the rate I was paying was still expensive!) Also be aware of the insurance "situation" there. I...
  15. J

    Dental implants.

    A few years ago, a friend visiting from the US was having trouble with some false teeth and asked me to find out about implants, which he might schedule for a return trip. His dentist in Missouri (with no specialization in surgery) had quoted him an estimated price in the tens of thousands of...
  16. J

    Going rate for a house cleaner

    Thanks, citygirl, I found the same data just as I hit Submit Reply. $15,79 is the legal minimum en blanco since November 2011. Are you saying that my estimate of 18 - 20 is high or low? I should have been more specific in my original post. My mucama works a minimum 20 hours a week and...
  17. J

    Anyone selling dog stuff?

    I've trained puppies with and without crates, and I'll never use a crate or barricade again. Dogs instinctively like to curl up in small enclosed places, like a crate, which makes crate-training relatively easy. Downside is that the crate becomes the security zone for the dog, and that's where...
  18. J

    Move to Buenos Aires?

    If you're currently living in a major US city, you'll find the crime situation to be little different than what you're accustomed to. As for the economic situation, I assume you would be earning dollars, which provides considerable protection against inflation. You can live quite well here on...
  19. J

    Going rate for a house cleaner

    Good idea, Angelin, let's share data. Here's my impression from my maid and from comparing notes with a few friends. I should also mention that a porteña friend says she never employs mucamas who have worked for foreigners because we spoil them and they expect to be overpaid! The hourly rate...
  20. J

    Different Spanish Accents

    Over dinner last week, some friends visiting from Barcelona were talking about trips they want to take to the interior and the problems they were having booking flights. One of them then said, "Podríamos coger un colectivo." To which I responded that they might get into a lot of trouble doing...