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  1. L

    Who are the future BAEXPATS?

    Really? Telling someone to relax is "very personal"? Okay then. There was nothing condescending about my post. If you took it that way that's not my problem. Well then I would say you clearly have not traveled and lived in a third world country before. Because I can assure you as absurd and...
  2. L

    Who are the future BAEXPATS?

    Steve, Calm down. Take a deep breath and relax. Why so defensive? The post wasn't meant to belittle anyone and I'm sorry if you took it personal. It was more to remind everyone that we are also pretty lucky too. I've lived in a "third world" country before so maybe I have a different take on...
  3. L

    Who are the future BAEXPATS?

    Sometimes I think we as expats suffer from tunnel vision, from a myopic world view. Is life getting "harder" in Argentina? Well that depends on who you ask and what you compare it to. For expats who are constantly comparing it to the US and Europe, Argentina may always be a failure. For the...
  4. L

    Kirchner Rescued Argentinas Economy and help unite South America

    Except there was no economic boom in Brazil between 2004-2008. In fact if you compare Brazil's GDP growth rate with Argentina's in the same time period, Argentina wins. It also lagged behind other Latin American countries and the global average. Brazil's "boom" is a fairly recent phenomenon...
  5. L

    Kirchner Rescued Argentinas Economy and help unite South America

    That's not exactly true. The economy could have stagnated, just like Brazil's in the 80's and early 90's.
  6. L

    Death of Peronismo? We can only hope.

    I'm sorry to say but your daughter just went to a really bad private school. No foreign languages or world history, both of which have AP exams? That's pretty standard at a private school. At least the private schools in California.
  7. L

    Nestor Kirchner has just passed

    If by respectable nations you are referring to western nations, well now that's a matter of opinion and who you ask. I'm American and proud to be American but I'm not so naive as to not know that America has done a lot of not so respectable things right here in Latin America. As for Chavez, most...
  8. L

    Stay away from this apartment rental

    No that just means the moderators don't agree with me and that's fine. Also, I'm not a lawyer and I'm assuming you are not either so we don't know necessarily know what laws (if any) have been breached here. And I certainly don't care enough to find out. My posts have just been an opinion...
  9. L

    Nestor Kirchner has just passed

    It's a shame to see this thread deteriorate into a pro-Kirchner/anti-Kirchner debate. NK is dead. Whether or not he was corrupt is pretty irrelevant at this point. A pity "both sides" can't seem to come together and look towards the future, rather than the past in order to make Argentina a...
  10. L

    Stay away from this apartment rental

    You and Bailey seem to be missing the point. What I said had nothing to do with you and her and your particular incident. I don't need to read the thread again. You seem to be stuck on your issue, but what I find troubling has nothing to with that. It was more about moderation. Forget it. ETA...
  11. L

    Stay away from this apartment rental

    It's clear you skimmed through my post rather than reading it. I clearly stated she did not appear to be innocent. If you can't read I don't know what to tell you.
  12. L

    Stay away from this apartment rental

    I have kept up with this thread for awhile now. While it seems quite clear this woman is a scam artist of sorts, the only thing that has troubled me is the lack of moderation pertaining to this thread. I guess what I'm trying to say is the person in question has not had a chance to defend any...
  13. L

    Taxi Fares - Up 65% in the Past Year

    And the people who have grown accustomed to taking cabs on a regular basis in Buenos Aires don't? I'm not trying to offend anyone but taking a cab is a luxury not a necessity (as it has already been pointed out). It's like "needing" a latte from Starbucks to start your day. Personally, I don't...
  14. L

    Preparing to go to colonia for 7th time! Eek!!

    I was under the impression that it does not necessarily have to be 90 days.
  15. L

    Preparing to go to colonia for 7th time! Eek!!

    But the Argentine authorities clearly do not see it this way anymore, given the recent crackdown in Colonia.....just my opinion.
  16. L

    Preparing to go to colonia for 7th time! Eek!!

    You really are in a bind and I understand your worries, but what will you do if they choose to give you the kiss of death, eg. "ultima prorroga", in Colonia? I can assure you that on your return trip from Europe that will be an even bigger red flag for you at customs (unless you can get a new...
  17. L

    Carnival in Rio

    Hi Tina, Nearly everyone agrees that the most "authentic" Carnival is in Salvador, Bahia, not in Rio. However, that being said IMO I don't think Carnival is a must see (especially not Rio's) and to be honest for the money and the horrible exchange rate between the dollar right now, I don't...
  18. L

    Looking for a Housekeeper/Nanny

    If she is still looking for a job as a nanny nearly two years later I would seriously reconsider hiring her. ;)
  19. L

    supermarket lines

    Umm where else does this happen besides developing countries? I've never heard of a car dealer not giving you the price of a car months after putting down a deposit. At least not in the states? Surely no reputable business would ever think of doing that. Maybe in Europe?