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  1. R

    The Argentine Quilt Theory.

    There are no "comparable neighborhoods"
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    Hit By The Storm

    Wow who called for the biblical storm?
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    Tinelli Spook On Trump

    Tinelli seems to find himself a lot funnier than I do
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    Making The Move In February! Tips Please! :)

    It's good but very expensive for what you get. I used to alternate between EGdC and Starbucks but establacemiento has raised their prices much more quickly
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    The Argentine Quilt Theory.

    Yes those capitalist pigs, how dare they gouge the proletariat like this! The shop keepers aren't far too greedy, it's the government that's far too greedy! The reason prices keep rising is because there is currency to pay them. Last year Sturzenegger started to change that and we saw (and...
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    Dollar Exchange

    Drug lords, tax cheats, and terrorists pay a premium to keep their money out of the official financial system.
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    Sending A Package To Usa

    UPS DHL and Fedex are all here. It will be expensive.
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    Iphone Use In Eeuu

    Doesn't include texts which are charged at US$0.25. But since I use iMessage mostly it wasn't an issue. For calls I bought a 'pack' for $95 (pesos) which gave me 100 minutes in US which was more than I used. You can buy as many of those packs as you want but make sure you always have one...
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    Iphone Use In Eeuu

    Last time I traveled abroad I got this message from personal when I landed "Con el Pasaporte de datos small tenés 1GB por mes en países limitrofes y EEUU a solo $35 +imp mensuales. Activalo llamando al *111" That's a fairly good deal and they just added it on to the next bill.
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    Cockroaches In Newly Rented Apartment

    If you're in a building there is only so much you can do alone. Have you talked to the super to see if others are having the problem? Check all the floor drains to make sure the wet trap hasn't dried out.
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    Making The Move In February! Tips Please! :)

    As tom mentioned the paper cups are to go. I swear most of the complaints about Starbucks seem to come from people working backwards from "I don't like Starbucks". It's not the greatest coffee in the world but it's more than passable. Better than a lot of coffee in Italy (although most of the...
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    How do people afford dry cleaning here?

    320 for a jacket and trousers last time I went
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    Making The Move In February! Tips Please! :)

    This story is totally ridiculous you know. You're in New York, the language spoken is English. The menu behind the employee's head lists Caffe Latte under espresso drinks and does not include plain milk anywhere and when he uses just the word latte, which in English ( the language most often...
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    Filtro Agua

    Any activated carbon filter will take care of the chlorine taste which is what is disagreeable about tap water. If you want to remove Fluorides because of the Russians, you'll need a reverse osmosis filter which are quite a bit more expensive.
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    Need Broken Earbuds

    Let me know when you drop them. I'll pick them up.
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    Making The Move In February! Tips Please! :)

    In English ? Milk In Spanish? Leche
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    Making The Move In February! Tips Please! :)

    Strong latte refers to a higher ratio of coffee to milk.
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    How do people afford dry cleaning here?

    Welcome back!
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    Mattress Recommendation.

  20. R

    Llamada Directa Telephone Cards

    Do they stock the telephone cards next to the disposable cameras?