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  1. R

    Let S Talk About Cultural Differences....!

    People here don't seem to notice that fernet tastes like the carefully aged fermented vomit of a plague infested sewer dwelling rat, and that mixing it with coke doesn't help in the slightest.
  2. R

    Uber Update?

    Yes that update has been a source of serious frustration for me as I refuse to let Uber track me all the time. Still its not so frustrating as to make me switch to taxis.
  3. R

    Removal Of Tariffs On Import Of Computer Products

    Prices might not be that bad. This country is full of apple products right now, most of their target market has no problem purchasing in the US either directly or via friends, they'll have to stay competitive.
  4. R

    Opera Tickets

    You could go see it in person at the colon (it opens on September 12th) for that price. Not from the best seats obviously but not from the worst either.
  5. R

    Moving In August

    For $6000?
  6. R

    Opera Tickets

    I think it's for the whole season, not just one show.
  7. R

    Restrictions In Usa For Children Travelling With One Parent?

    In my experience children in the US can travel abroad with just one parent (or in fact alone for older children. between the ages of 14 & 18 I traveled over a dozen times internationally with nothing more than my passport.). Still a note would reduce potential headaches.
  8. R

    Selling Apartment? Certain Restrictions Apply

    It's easy to prove, just get your utility bills from the time you were out of the country and it should be obvious that no one was living there
  9. R

    Chicken/beef Stock

    12 hours is really excessive. 4 or 5 should give pretty much the same result
  10. R

    Chicken/beef Stock

    12 hours is really excessive. 4 or 5 should give pretty much the same result
  11. R

    Chicken/beef Stock

    If you don't have a ton of freezer space you can store stock in jars unrefrigerated as long as you first pasturize them in a pressure cooker. I know its a little involved but possible not more so than bringing stock back in your luggage. Also when freezing stock you can take advantage of...
  12. R

    Chicken/beef Stock

    Stock cubes are very salty which makes them not very useful when you use stock in a reduction. Unfortunately I haven't found anything else here. I keep a freezer full of homemade stock for When I need some
  13. R

    Basura / Rubbish / Nappies / Dog Relocation

    I don't seem have any of those problems other than the lack of good recycling, do you live in provincia?
  14. R


    Is this real life?
  15. R

    New Electric Bill Arrived: And The Total Is....

    Hey look. I was right. I'm paying a 1/3 of what we paid last year. so much for the tarifazao
  16. R

    New Electric Bill Arrived: And The Total Is....

    So I just got my bill from from dec 2 to feb 2 and it includes a massive discount for saving electricity. Huge. Really if you cut your use by 20% you don't even pay more than last year. In fact I'm pretty sure I'm paying less. Cargo fijo : 66,90 Cargo Variable: 1315,57 Res ENRE 347/12: 0,00...
  17. R

    Uber Update?

    No there is nothing similar here.
  18. R

    According To Cnbc, Trump Just Threatened To Invade Mexico

    Those are hardly what I would consider mainstream news sources. Occupy borders on fake news. What about the New York Timess, the guardian, the Washington post, etc?
  19. R

    Plastic Bags Banned From 1St Jan

    They have biodegradable plastic bags at some large grocery stores which they sell for $2