Search results

  1. Canick

    Recoleta . Zona Liberada - Entraderas

    BUT, BUT, BUT....the papers say crime hasn't increased. surely they wouldn't lie to us...é-there-is-no-such-a-thing-as-a-crime-rate-increase-in-buenos-aires-city
  2. Canick

    Argentinian Dating Sites

    sounds like it's time for another BAexpats single's night, and maybe Fifs2 can help make Christmas come early this year...
  3. Canick

    The man who inherited 40 billion pesos...

    I came across this in my readings...thought you may enjoy. :) nick ---------------- The Man Who Inherited 40 Billion Pesos Wednesday, May 25th, 2011 by George Bragues If there ever was a hall of fame of countries that resort to money printing as a regular instrument of public finance...
  4. Canick

    Dr. Ron Paul supporter??

    He wants to audit the Fed (which they will not allow), stop this insane peso-like 'printing' of the USD through quantitative easing and attach it to something of real value and of limited resources like gold??? Yeah, I'd vote for the 'nutbag'. :)
  5. Canick

    Would you move a family to Argentina...?

    18,000 pesos a month may seem great now...but most likely be worthless by the time your two years are up....
  6. Canick

    Would you move a family to Argentina...?

    lol, 6 months may be overstating it. as far as adventure goes, this is a place where you can have hundreds. some positive, and some negative. there are many safe areas, but like any other big city you just have to be careful. crime seems to be increasing as the "crisis" get worse, but for the...
  7. Canick

    computer privacy meetups

    I would also like to find out more
  8. Canick

    Caught Up in the Meaningless Protest Last Night

    sounds to me more like you are caught up in a meaningless post...
  9. Canick

    My oldest son got mugged for the 3rd time this year.

    wow. i'm so sorry to hear that. At least he is safe. criminals do what they want without fear...and every day they seem to be getting bolder. what used to be "a friend of a friend was robbed" is now "i was robbed" and the only solution to this seems to be "take it as part of the price of...
  10. Canick

    Seeking advise on a "touchy topic"

    sounds like it has resolved itself. I think there is no use in any of us telling you what you should have done when you first found the employee stealing 50 pesos, but it sounds like you are good person and wanted to give him/her a second chance. that person abused your trust and would have...
  11. Canick

    CasaBar is for Sale

    does anyone know if it just the bar (business) that is for sale, or the land as well?
  12. Canick

    Moving to BA

    not so sure about retiro....can be a bit sketchy. location really depends what you are looking for. age, lifestyle, kids? want to be in the heart of the action or more peaceful areas?
  13. Canick

    is this the right time to buy a flat in Argentina?

    my belief is that we are just at the beginning stages of the next crisis. most investors are unsure how long the current administrations actions will last(USD restrictions) and as such the property market is still in more of a holding pattern. I don't think now is the time to buy and deals are...
  14. Canick

    Looking for tennis partner(s)

    im also canadian (toronto) and an intermediate player looking to play a few times a week. send me a pm when you get down here if you want to play. best nick
  15. Canick

    Get your pots out for the lads!

    I honestly don't get it. i'm not sure banging a few pots is making Her change a thing. Surely there is a more effective way to bring about peaceful change?
  16. Canick

    What is the food you miss most from "home?"

    jajajaja i think i my arteries just finally clogged up and I just had a heart attack. thank you. that was the way I wanted to go... :)
  17. Canick

    What is the food you miss most from "home?"

    the entire chip and junk food aisle in any super market Pickles (dill, not sweet) Canadian Bacon spicy foods and Motts extra spicy clamato juice...
  18. Canick

    can one buy gold in pesos legally?

    this is from a google search, but dated 2011 and already there was a run on gold, so I would imagine if you can buy gold in pesos, it would be a cheap investment still today...but i can't seem to find anything post 2012 restrictions... "el Banco Ciudad y el Banco Piano, dos de los principales...
  19. Canick

    can one buy gold in pesos legally?

    With all the daily changes going on in Argentina, I'm unsure of the latest rules and regs. Is it possible to buy gold in pesos 'en blanco' now a days? I read somewhere each person was restricted to a per CUIL (or is it CUIT) holding of 5 kilos, (quite a large sum), but cant confirm any info...
  20. Canick

    Handgun cleaning advice needed

    colt made. thanks for the advice.